Code Maven

Continuous Integration with Travis-CI

This, along with the other courses can be given either on-site in the offices of the client or on-line via Zoom or other means. Contact Gabor Szabo for more details.


  • To be able to set up a Continuous Integration environment using Travis-CI


  • This course is for programmers and DevOps or Test Automation engineers who would like to use CI for their GitHub-based project.


  • Basic programming background in either a high-level language such as C, Java or a scripting language such as Shell, VBSscript, Javascript, Perl, Python, PHP or Ruby
  • Experience with a text editor like emacs, vi, pico or notepad.

Course format

  • Duration of the course is 4 academic hours.
  • The course includes approximately 40% hands on lab work.


Travis-CI on empty repository

  • Create a an (almost) empty GitHub repository
  • Connect to Travis-CI
  • Enable Travis-CI on this repository
  • See both success and failure

Travis-CI for an application

  • Create a simple application in Python (and other languages as requested by the audience)
  • Write a simple unit test
  • Configure Travis to run the test

Travis-CI using multiple languages

  • Testing Matrix using multiple programming languages
  • Setting up single test environment with multiple languages
  • Compiling your own language

Travis-CI and databases

  • Application using PostgreSQL database
  • Application with MongoDB


If you are interested in this course, contact Gabor Szabo for more details.