Collaborative Development and Open Source Projects

  1. Videos
  2. Book
  3. Who is this for?
  4. Why do it?
  5. Reasons to contribute
  6. Overview: Git - GitHub - Travis-CI
  7. Why use a Version Control System - VCS?
  8. Why Git?
  9. Why GitHub?
  10. CI = Continuous Integration
  11. Travis-CI
  12. Register on GitHub
  13. Hacktoberfest
  14. GitHub names
  15. Task: Edit the README file
  16. Task: Edit a CSV file
  17. Task: Edit a JSON file
  18. Git
  19. Task: Update Code-Maven articles or these slides
  20. Task: Code and Talk
  21. Task: Awesome for beginners and non-programmers
  22. Task: Pydigger
  23. Testing and CI