GitLab Pipelines

  1. What is
  2. What is
  3. ALM-Toolbox
  4. CI - Continuous Integration
  5. Documentation
  6. Runner
  7. Docker images
  8. .gitlab-ci.yml
  9. Pipeline Linter
  10. Hello World
  11. Hello World in container
  12. Show what is in the container
  13. Pipeline Hierarchy
  14. Default Stages
  15. Define stages
  16. Jobs
  17. Set stage of job
  18. Parallel jobs per stage
  19. Manual interaction
  20. Manual approval
  21. Script
  22. Before Script and After Script
  23. Variables
  24. extends
  25. Pick a Docker image
  26. Docker registry of GitLab
  27. Run on Windows
  28. Run on Mac OSX
  29. Interdependence of jobs?
  30. Cache
  31. Python 3 Virtualenv
  32. Only run job if specific files changed
  33. Artifacts and using them in subsequent jobs
  34. GitLab API
  35. GitLab API using Python
  36. GitLab pages
  37. Deployment