Linux in a Docker Container

  1. What is Docker
  2. What is Linux
  3. Linux distributions
  4. Install Docker
  5. Docker on Windows
  6. Docker on Linux and macOS
  7. Docker version
  8. Docker Run Ubuntu
  9. Create a footprint on the machine
  10. Docker restart container
  11. Docker list running containers
  12. Docker list all containers
  13. Docker list images
  14. Docker remove images
  15. Docker remove container
  16. Exercise 1
  17. root
  18. Linux Users
  19. Linux File system - directories
  20. Linux File system - files
  21. Ubuntu Installing packages
  22. Bashrc
  23. Exercise 2
  24. which type
  25. grep
  26. find files
  27. Pipelines
  28. Create file with bash for loop
  29. du df
  30. History
  31. wc - word count
  32. clear screen
  33. printenv
  34. man (manual)
  35. Docker with CentOS