Network Basics

  1. IPv4 vs IPv6
  2. ifconfig
  3. Ping
  4. Traceroute
  5. /etc/hosts
  6. Telnet
  7. ssh - Secure Shell
  8. Public key access
  9. Generate public key
  10. Add public key
  11. ftp - File Transfer Protocol
  12. scp - Secure Copy
  13. rsync
  14. curl and wget to fetch web pages
  15. Command line browsers
  16. Sending mail from the command line
  17. Keep remote session using screen
  18. Keep remote session using tmux
  19. tmux multiple session
  20. iftop
  21. Port used by (lsof - list open files)
  22. Port used by example 2
  23. Network ports
  24. Show ports used with netstat
  25. Routing configuration
  26. write
  27. Chat with users using ytalk
  28. Exercise: Networking
  29. Exercise: lorem ipsum