Fixtures and Mocking in Python

  1. How do you test Moon-landing?
  2. How do you test a system ...
  3. Plan
  4. About me
  5. Goal
  6. Fixtures
  7. Fixtuers in Pytest
  8. Traditional xUnit fixtures
  9. Dependency Injection
  10. Temporary directory - tmpdir
  11. Capture STDOUT and STDERR - capsys
  12. Home-made fixture
  13. Home-made fixture - conftest
  14. Home-made fixture with tempdir
  15. Home-made fixture with yield
  16. Fixture Autouse
  17. Fixture Autouse with yield
  18. Fixture for MongoDB
  19. Test Doubles
  20. Test Doubles explained
  21. Verify behavior or state?
  22. What is Mocking and Monkey Patching?
  23. Situations
  24. Unit testing vs. Integration testing
  25. Experiment with mocking in various situations
  26. Examples are simple
  27. Hard coded path
  28. Manually Patching attribute
  29. Monkey Patching attribute
  30. Monkey Patching functions
  31. Monkey Patching dictionary items
  32. Mocking a whole class
  33. Mocking input/output
  34. Mocking input/output
  35. Mocking random numbers
  36. Exercises
  37. Work in pairs
  38. Exercise: test login expiration
  39. Solution: test login expiration
  40. Exercise: Record e-mail sending
  41. Solution: Record e-mail sending
  42. Exercise: Fixture database
  43. Exercise: One Dimentsional space-fight
  44. Exercise: web client
  45. Exercise: Open WeatherMap client
  46. Exercise: Mocking A Bank
  47. Testing the whole application
  48. Resources
  49. Retrospective
  50. Job searching help
  51. Solutions - game
  52. Solutions - Mocking the database access