Other slides

  1. Other slides
  2. Atom for Python
  3. IDLE - Integrated DeveLopment Environment
  4. sh-bang - executable on Linux/Apple
  5. Strings as Comments
  6. pydoc
  7. Spyder Intro
  8. Interactive Debugging
  9. Parameter passing
  10. Command line arguments and main
  11. Infinite loop
  12. break
  13. continue
  14. While with many conditions
  15. while loop with many conditions
  16. Format with conversion (stringifiation with str or repr)
  17. Name of the current function in Python
  18. Name of the caller function in Python
  19. Stack trace in Python using inspect
  20. Module Fibonacci
  21. PyTest - assertion
  22. PyTest - failure
  23. PyTest - list
  24. SAX with coroutine
  25. Getting the class name of an object
  26. Inheritance - super
  27. Inheritance - super - other class
  28. iterator - pairwise
  29. iterator - grouped
  30. itertools - groupby
  31. Circular references
  32. Context managers: with (file) experiments
  33. itertools - izip
  34. mixing iterators
  35. mixing iterators
  36. itertools - pairwise
  37. itertools - grouped
  38. range vs xrange in Python
  39. profile (with hotshot) slow code
  40. Abstract Base Class without abc
  41. Abstract Base Class with abc Python 2 ?
  42. Abstract Base Class with metaclass
  43. Create class with metaclass
  44. Python Descriptors
  45. alter iterator
  46. Create a counter queue
  47. A Queue of tasks
  48. Filtered Fibonacci with ifilter
  49. Python from .NET
  50. assert to verify values
  51. mycalc as a self testing module
  52. doctest
  53. Export import
  54. Export import with __all__
  55. import module
  56. deep copy list
  57. deep copy dictionary
  58. Pandas Stocks
  59. Pandas Stocks
  60. Merge Dataframes
  61. Analyze Alerts
  62. Analyze IFMetrics
  63. Calculate Genome metrics - add columns
  64. Calculate Genome metrics - vectorized
  65. Calculate Genome metrics - vectorized numpy
  66. Pandas more
  67. Pandas Series
  68. Pandas Series with names
  69. Matplotlib subplot
  70. Jupyter StackOverflow - historgram
  71. Jupyter StackOverflow - OpenSourcer
  72. Jupyter StackOverflow - cross tabulation
  73. Jupyter StackOverflow - salaries
  74. Jupyter StackOverflow - replace values
  75. ord in a file
  76. NameError
  77. UnboundLocalError
  78. Insert element in sorted list using bisect
  79. Insert element in sorted list using insort
  80. Pytest: monkeypatching time
  81. PyTest: no random order
  82. Classes
  83. Create a class inherit from object
  84. Abstract Base Class without ABC
  85. Gravatar in Python
  86. Debug with ptpython
  87. REPL - Interactive debugging with ptpython
  88. Print in color on the CLI
  89. Easy Install
  90. sorting with sorted using a key
  91. get and set locale
  92. Modify time anomality
  93. Some strange code
  94. is vs ==