Web client - web scraping

  1. get HTML page using urllib
  2. Download image using urllib
  3. get HTML page using requests
  4. Download image using requests
  5. Download image as a stream using requests
  6. Download zip file using requests
  7. Extract zip file
  8. Beautiful Soup to parse HTML
  9. requests - JSON - API
  10. httpbin.org
  11. requests get from httpbin - JSON
  12. requests get IP from httpbin - JSON
  13. requests get JSON User-Agent
  14. requests change User-Agent
  15. requests get header
  16. requests change header
  17. requests post
  18. Interactive Requests
  19. Download the weather - scraping
  20. Download the weather - API call with requests
  21. Download the weather - API call with requests
  22. Tweet
  23. bit.ly
  24. API config file
  25. Exercise: Combine web server and client