Class Attributes in Instances

class Person:
    name = 'Joe'

# Class Attributes are inherited by object instances when accessing them.
print(    # Joe
x = Person()
print(         # Joe
y = Person()
print(         # Joe

# Changes to class attribute are reflected in existing instances as well = 'Bar'
print(    # Bar
print(         # Bar

# Setting the attribute via the instance will create an instance attribute that shadows the class attribute: = 'Joseph'
print(         # Joseph

# You can still access the class attribute directly:
print(    # Bar

# It does not impact the instance attribute of other instances:
print(         # Bar

# Both instance and class have a dictionary containing its members:
print(x.__dict__)       # {'name': 'Joseph'}
print(y.__dict__)       # {}
print(Person.__dict__)  # {..., 'name': 'Bar'}