PyTest compare dictionaries - missing-keys

def test_missing_key():
    a = {
        "name" : "Whale",
        "size": "huge",
    b = {
        "name" : "Whale",
        "location": "Water",
    assert a == b

============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.6, pytest-6.1.2, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /home/gabor/work/slides/python/examples/pytest
plugins: flake8-1.0.6, dash-1.17.0
collected 1 item F                                      [100%]

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_______________________________ test_missing_key _______________________________

    def test_missing_key():
        a = {
            "name" : "Whale",
            "size": "huge",
        b = {
            "name" : "Whale",
            "location": "Water",
>       assert a == b
E       AssertionError: assert {'name': 'Wha...size': 'huge'} == {'location': ...ame': 'Whale'}
E         Omitting 1 identical items, use -vv to show
E         Left contains 1 more item:
E         {'size': 'huge'}
E         Right contains 1 more item:
E         {'location': 'Water'}
E         Use -v to get the full diff AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED - AssertionError: ...
============================== 1 failed in 0.03s ===============================