Sort a dictionary

When people says "sort a dictionary" they usually mean sorting the keys of the dictionary, but what does it mean in Python if we call sorted on a dictionary?

scores = {
   'Foo' : 10,
   'Bar' : 34,
   'Miu' : 88,
   'Abc' : 34,

print(scores) # {'Foo': 10, 'Bar': 34, 'Miu': 88, 'Abc': 34}

sorted_names = sorted(scores) # "sort dictionary" sorts the keys
print(sorted_names)  # ['Abc', 'Bar', 'Foo', 'Miu']

sorted_keys = sorted(scores.keys())
print(sorted_keys)  # ['Abc', 'Bar', 'Foo', 'Miu']