Testing Demo

  1. Testing Flask
  2. How do you test your code?
  3. What is testing?
  4. What is testing really?
  5. Testing demo tools
  6. Testing demo methodology
  7. Testing demo - AUT - Application Under Test
  8. Testing demo - use the module
  9. Testing demo: doctest
  10. Testing demo: doctest with failure
  11. Testing demo: Unittest success
  12. Testing demo: Unittest failure
  13. Testing demo: pytest using classes
  14. Testing demo: pytest using classes - failure
  15. Testing demo: pytest without classes
  16. Testing demo: pytest without classes failure
  17. Testing demo: Failure in one sub
  18. Testing demo: pytest run doctests
  19. Testing demo: pytest run unittest
  20. Test demo: test coverage
  21. Exercise: Testing demo - anagrams
  22. Exercise: Test previous solutions
  23. Solution: Testing demo