Hashes in Rust

  1. Create empty HashMap, insert key-value pairs
  2. Create immutable hash with data
  3. Check if hash contains key (key exists)
  4. Get value from hash
  5. Iterate over keys of a hash
  6. Iterate over key-value pairs in a Hash
  7. Rust hash update value
  8. Rust update values in a hash - count words
  9. Remove element from hash
  10. Accessing values
  11. Split string create hash
  12. Create hash from key-value pairs after split
  13. Read key-value pairs from file
  14. Sort vector of hashes
  15. Mapping structs based on more than one key
  16. Mapping structs based on more than one key from a vector
  17. Create hash from vector of tuple pairs
  18. Hash of vectors in Rust