
  1. Moving over to Test::More
  2. Test::Simple ok( trueness, name);
  3. Test::More ok( trueness, name);
  4. Test::More is( value, expected_value, name);
  5. Test::More isnt( value, not_expected_value, name);
  6. Test::More isnt undef
  7. note( message ) or diag( message );
  8. (note or diag) explain( a_variable );
  9. TODO
  10. TODO Verbose output
  11. TODO: unexpected success
  12. TODO: unexpected success (the code)
  13. MyTools with various functions
  14. like(value, qr/expected regex/, name);
  15. like(value, qr/expected regex/, name);
  16. Another example with like
  17. cmp_ok( this, op, that, name);
  18. is_deeply( complex_structure, expected_complex_structure, name);
  19. Function returning data from bug-tracker
  20. is_deeply on a hash
  21. Platform dependent tests
  22. SKIP some tests
  23. locale
  24. Stop running current test script
  25. Stop all the test scripts
  26. Exercises
  27. Test coverage using Devel::Cover
  28. Test coverage report example
  29. Declare your plan at execution time
  30. done_testing
  31. plan tests, no_testing, done_testing
  32. Compute test plan
  33. subtest with plan
  34. subtest with implicit done_testing
  35. subtest to restrict scope
  36. skip all
  37. Exercise: skip test
  38. Exercise: use coverage
  39. Test blocks (use subtest instead)
  40. Counting tests in the small blocks (use subtest instead)