
  1. What is Continuous Integration (CI)?
  2. What is the status of CI in companies?
  3. Why use Travis-CI?
  4. Empty Git repository for demo
  5. Create repository directly on GitHub
  6. YAML
  7. Minimal Travis-CI
  8. Minimal Travis-CI echo
  9. Minimal Travis-CI exit 1 failure
  10. Minimal Travis-CI installations
  11. Minimal Travis-CI installations - run shell script
  12. Minimal Travis-CI installations setting the dist
  13. Travis-CI on OSX
  14. Travis-CI on MS Windows
  15. The UI of Travis-CI
  16. Travis-CI scheduled cron jobs
  17. Trigger a custom build
  18. Travis-CI and languages
  19. Build status
  20. Add badge
  21. Job Lifecycle
  22. OS Matrix
  23. true as no-operation to skip a step
  24. Languages
  25. Install travis-cli command line tool
  26. notifications email secure - sending to multiple addresses
  27. environment variables in reposiotry settings
  28. Deployment