How to develop software faster and have more stable releases?

  1. Self introduction
  2. Goal of the company / organization
  3. Goal of the company / organization
  4. Goals of employees
  5. Goals of employees
  6. Goals - Contradiction?
  7. Business needs for change
  8. Value creation - Time is Money
  9. How to Faster, Cheaper, Better?
  10. Value creation
  11. Product types
  12. Fast or stable?
  13. Release frequency
  14. Deploy per day VS value (Value creation)
  15. MTTR - Mean time to repair
  16. Old model
  17. Wall of Confusion
  18. The business cost
  19. The human cost
  20. High Performing organizations
  21. High Performing organizations
  22. Getting faster
  23. Priorities
  24. Small Batch size
  25. Reduce Multitasking
  26. Multitasking Exercise
  27. Build only what you need
  28. Create fast feedback loops
  29. Feedback Techniques
  30. Learn from the mistakes
  31. Retrospectives
  32. Daily feedback meetings
  33. Continuous Integration (CI)
  34. Toyota Andon cord
  35. Andon cord
  36. Test-Driven Development
  37. Optimizing Developer Effort
  38. Pair Programming
  39. Refactoring
  40. Architecture
  41. Conway's Law
  42. Small Teams
  43. End-to-end Ownership
  44. Project boundaries
  45. Design
  46. Features
  47. Continuous Deployment (CD)
  48. Decouple deployment
  49. Blue-green deployment
  50. Canary release
  51. Infrastructure as code
  52. DevOps loop
  53. Continuous Improvement
  54. Hierarchy of abstractions
  55. Resilience testing
  56. What is in there for me, the developer?
  57. The transformation process
  58. Theory X and Theory Y
  59. Time boxing experiment
  60. Greenfield projects VS brownfield projects
  61. Getting Started
  62. Top down approach
  63. Team level approach
  64. Resources
  65. Contact me
  66. Sources