• 00:00 The Modules chapter
  • 00:30 Goals of having modules
  • 04:00 Before modules (a function in a single-file program)
  • 04:34 Creating modules: Separating the above program in to module and executable. (import, from)
  • 05:40 How does Python find the module to be loaded?
  • 07:56 Importing and aliasing module name (as)
  • 11:25 path to load modules from - the module search path
  • 12:30 sys.path the module search path
  • 13:45 Flat project directory structure
  • 14:39 Relative paths (Why is the directory called 'bin'?
  • 16:30 Absolute path and why it is not a good practice
  • 18:45 Back to the relative path and explaining how it works (os.path.join, os.path.abspath, os.path.dirname, __file__)
  • 24:13 Mentioning modules in directory hierarchy (submodules) but not showing them. Since then, there is already a slide with that example.
  • 24:46 Python modules are compiles .pyc files, __pycache__ directory.
  • 28:30 Caching
  • 30:40 How "import" and "from" work?
  • 31:20 Runtime loading of modules
  • 33:30 When you import a module, will Python find it eventually?
  • 35:13 Conditional loading of modules
  • 37:18 Duplicate importing of functions (pylint)
  • 40:50 Script or library (script or module) (__name__, __main__)
  • 47:00 Import the same module multiple times
  • 48:14 Exercises: Convert the earlier solutions to be modules and programs.