
  1. Aggregation framework
  2. A Processing Pipeline
  3. Pipeline Operators
  4. Example: Insert data
  5. Show data
  6. Group by name and sum - $sum
  7. Group by name and caluclate average $avg
  8. Group by name $max, $min
  9. Group by name and count
  10. All the elements - sum
  11. All the elements - sum
  12. $match (filter)
  13. $match (filter) and the total
  14. $match with $gt
  15. $group with $push
  16. New data set
  17. New data set
  18. $unwind
  19. $unwind and $group
  20. $unwind and $group and $sort
  21. $match
  22. $match and $unwind and $group