Parallel processing

  1. Types of problems
  2. Types of solutions
  3. Tasks
  4. Measurements on 32 core
  5. Measurements on 4 core
  6. The Hardware
  7. Installations
  8. Fork
  9. Fork with functions details
  10. Fork random and seed
  11. Fork without functions
  12. Fork details
  13. Fork many
  14. Parent process ID
  15. pstree
  16. htop
  17. Active non-blocking waiting with waitpid
  18. Non-blocking waiting with waitpid - multiple forks
  19. Non-blocking waiting, rerun on failure
  20. Functions to be speed up
  21. Counter process
  22. Forked counter process
  23. Prepare CSV files
  24. Process CSV files
  25. Use Parallel::ForkManager
  26. Return values using Parallel::ForkManager
  27. Forked process CSV files
  28. HTTP GET
  29. Forked HTTP requests
  30. Exercise: Process Excel files
  31. Exercise: Web crawler
  32. MCE - Many-Core Engine
  33. MCE - map
  34. MCE - map with init
  35. other modules