
  1. Single quoted and double quoted strings
  2. Long lines
  3. Multiline strings
  4. Triple quoted strings (multiline)
  5. Triple quoted comments - documentation
  6. String length (len)
  7. String repetition and concatenation
  8. A character in a string
  9. String slice (instead of substr)
  10. Change a string
  11. How to change a string
  12. String copy
  13. String functions and methods (len, upper, lower)
  14. index in string
  15. index in string with range
  16. Find all in the string
  17. rindex in string with range
  18. find in string
  19. in string
  20. index if in string
  21. Encodings: ASCII, Windows-1255, Unicode
  22. raw strings
  23. ord
  24. chr - number to character
  25. Exercise: one string in another string
  26. Exercise: Character to Unicode-8 - CLI
  27. Exercise: from Unicode to character - CLI
  28. Exercise: ROT13
  29. Solution: one string in another string
  30. Solution: compare strings
  31. Solution: to Unicode CLI
  32. Solution: from Unicode CLI
  33. Solution: Show characters based on Unicode code-points
  34. Solution: ROT13