Web development with Python FastAPI

  1. Install FastAPI
  2. FastAPI - Hello World
  3. FastAPI - Test Hello World
  4. FastAPI with Docker compose
  5. FastAPI - Dynamic response
  6. FastAPI - Echo GET - Query Parameters
  7. FastAPI - Echo GET - Query Parameters - test
  8. FastAPI - Echo POST - request body
  9. FastAPI - Echo POST - request body - test
  10. FastAPI - Calculator GET
  11. FastAPI - Calculator GET - Test
  12. FastAPI - Path Parameters - str
  13. FastAPI - Path Parameters - str - test
  14. FastAPI - Path Parameters - int
  15. FastAPI - Path Parameters - int - test
  16. FastAPI - Path Parameters - specific values with enum
  17. FastAPI - Path Parameters - specific values with enum - test
  18. FastAPI - Path containing a directory path
  19. FastAPI - Path containing a directory path - test
  20. Return main HTML page
  21. Return main HTML page - test
  22. Return main HTML file
  23. Send 400 error
  24. Send 400 error - test
  25. FastAPI - in memory counter
  26. FastAPI - on disk counter
  27. FastAPI - on disk multi-counter uising JSON
  28. FastAPI - get header from request
  29. FastAPI - set arbitrary header in response
  30. FastAPI - serve static files - JavaScript example
  31. FastAPI mounted sub-applications
  32. FastAPI - todo