
  1. Variable shadowing
  2. String formatting
  3. Factorial functions returning Result
  4. Split function into files
  5. Variable Scope in Rust
  6. Declare empty variable and assign to it later
  7. Declare empty variable - requires type
  8. SystemTime now
  9. Exit
  10. Define multiple variables
  11. wc
  12. copy vs clone
  13. Type alias
  14. Solution: Age limit
  15. Multi-counter in manually handled CSV file
  16. Get path to current executable
  17. cache dependencies with sccache
  18. Commafy
  19. Commafys
  20. Use statements
  21. Take version number from Cargo.toml
  22. Ansi colors
  23. What I learned from learning Rust
  24. Temperature converter
  25. Check slides
  26. Expressions vs statements
  27. Send email via SendGrid
  28. Compare memory address (pointer)
  29. Equality of Some - values
  30. Fork
  31. sysinfo - Which Operating System are we running on?
  32. Operating system information with os_info
  33. Parse string to Rust expression using syn
  34. Parse HTML
  35. Fix URL parameter