Survey: Continuous Integration Systems
There are plenty of organizations that use Continuous Integration Systems and a lot that don't. In this 1-question survey I asked what do you use if anything at all? Multiple selections were welcome as we know some people and some organizations use several CI systems.
There is also a form where you can subscribe to the "Code-Maven Surveys" newsletter. I am going to send out the results of this survey in that newsletter and the call for the next survey when I run that. Otherwise I won't spam you.
The Results
- Jenkins 41.6%
- Travis-CI 17.2%
- GitLab CI 16.8%
- I don't use CI for my own projects 15.5%
- We don't use CI at work 10.9%
- TeamCity 6.7%
- AWS CodeBuild 5.9%
- In-house CI system 5.5%
- CircleCI 5%
- Appveyor 4.6%
- Bamboo 4.6%
- Buildbot 3.4%
- Bitbucket Pipelines 2.1%
- Codeship 2.1%
- Semaphore CI 1.7%
- CruiseControl 0.8%
- Go CD 0.8%
- IBM Rational Synergy 0.4%
- OVH CDS 0.4%
Raw data
The raw data can be downloaded here.
The survey ran between 2017.10.30-2017.11.09. We got 238 responses.
The survey was sent to the subscribers of the Perl Maven andCode Maven sites. It was included it in the 327th edition of the Perl Weekly newsletter. I've Tweeted about it, posted on LinkedIn and on, but after a few hours I've removed it from there.
Links to the CI systems in the survey
- Appveyor
- AWS CodeBuild
- Bamboo
- Bitbucket Pipelines
- Bitrise Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery
- Buildbot
- CircleCI
- Codeship
- CruiseControl
- Docker Cloud
- GitLab CI
- Go CD
- IBM Rational Synergy
- Jenkins
- Semaphore CI
- Travis CI
- TeamCity
- Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)
- Quick Build
- OpenShift
Just as I was about to publish the results I saw this post on the CI Tools used by GitHub projects.
The previous survey, I've asked what are the 3 most important Programming languages to you.

Published on 2017-11-09