- #{}
- $$
- $()
- $0
- $_GET
- $_POST
- $filter
- $inc
- $index
- $log
- $logProvider
- $rootScopeProvider
- $routeProvider
- $scope
- $timeout
- &&
- ()
- *
- +
- ++
- +=
- +e
- +x
- -e
- -maxdepth
- -mindepth
- -q
- -x
- ..
- ...
- 404
- :
- ?:
- @Grab
- []
- _
- __doc__
- __filename
- __iter__
- __main__
- __name__
- __version__
- _id
- ``
- a11y
- absent
- absolutePath
- Access-Control-Allow-Origin
- accessibility
- addBadge
- addEventListener
- addEventListener innerHTML
- addShortText
- Adobe
- after_request
- agent
- Agile
- alert
- and
- Android
- angular.module
- angularjs
- angularJS
- Ansible
- Ansible
- Ansible - localhost
- Ansible on Ubuntu in VirtualBox environment - using Python 3
- Books
- Enable passwordless sudo for ansible
- Getting Started with Ansible managing CentOS on Digital Ocean
- Install and configure Nginx using Ansible
- Install the ELK stack on CentOS using Ansible
- Installing Ansible
- Installing Perl and CPAN modules using Ansible
- Reboot using Ansible
- Setup for Learning Ansible
- Stop and disable apt-get using Ansible
- Waiting with Ansible, pausing a Playbook
- ansible-playbook
- ansible_python_interpreter
- Apache
- append
- Apple
- apt-get
- argparse
- args
- arguments
- argv
- Array
- array
- Array.splice
- ArrayList
- as
- askopenfilename
- assert
- assertEqual
- assertRegexpMatches
- assertTrue
- at
- atexit
- Atom
- automated testing
- Automation
- aws
- Bailador
- base
- BaseHTTPRequestHandler
- Bash
- bash
- basicConfig
- bat
- Beautiful Soup
- before_first_request
- before_request
- bind
- BitBucket
- Bitbucket
- BitesIO
- boolean
- Bootcamp
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #1
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #10
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #11
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #12
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #13
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #14 - f-strings and formatted printing
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #15 - list methods, FIFO, LIFO
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #16 - Solutions for Queue, Stack, MasterMind
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #17 - lists: sort, range, enumerate; tuples
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #18 - Algorithm complexity and solutions for the list exercises
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #19
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #2
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #20
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #21
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #22
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #23
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #24
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #25
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #26
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #27
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #28
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #29
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #3
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #30
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #31
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #32
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #33
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #34
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #35
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #36
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #37
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #38
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #39
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #4
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #40
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #41
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #42
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #5
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #6
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #7
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #8
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #9
- Python Programming Bootcamp for Scientists
- bootstrap
- br
- break
- bs
- Buildah
- BuildUser
- builtins
- Bundler
- byte
- C#
- C++
- Calendar
- callback
- callee
- caller
- canExecute
- capsys
- Casio
- cat
- catch
- CentOS
- cgi
- chat
- check_output
- checkout
- Chrome
- CI
- Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async-Redis-XS Perl module
- CI for Win32-Wlan Perl module
- CI notification strategy
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- DevOps work - setting up CI and Docker for the course management project with Thomas Klausner
- GitLab CI job building a Docker image
- Introduce Continuous Integration (CI) to the starpy Python project
- Limit Bitbucket pipelines to specific branches
- Services provided by Gabor Szabo at Code Maven
- Testing a Docker image created by GitLab CI
- The 2022 December CI Challenge
- class
- click
- clipboard
- closures
- cmd
- cmos
- CMOS #10: Michael Kennedy - Talk Python To Me
- CMOS #11: Mohammad S. Anwar - Contributing to CPAN every single day
- CMOS #12: Randal Schwartz the host of FLOSS Weekly
- CMOS #13: Trung Đinh Quang on GitHub Explorer - a progressive web app
- CMOS #14: Johnny Ray Austin - Mo - Django - VueJS
- CMOS #15: Prosper Otemuyiwa - Laravel
- CMOS #16: Jan Henning Thorsen and Marcus Ramberg about Convos, the web-based IRC client
- CMOS #17: Moyinoluwa Adeyemi creating Android Watch in Yorùbá
- CMOS #18: Timi Ajiboye on Client Manager, Resque, Friendly ID and other Rails gems
- CMOS #19: Job van Achterberg - Inclusive design
- CMOS #1: Jason Crome on Perl Dancer 2
- CMOS #2: Sawyer X on Perl 5
- CMOS #3: Joel Berger on Mojolicious
- CMOS #4: Tom Hudson - gron for making JSON greppable
- CMOS #5 Lucy Greco - DictationBridge - helping the visually impaired
- CMOS #6: Tally Barak on GraphQL
- CMOS #7: Obinwanne Hill on RestiveJS
- CMOS #8: Lynn 'Cyrin' Conway on Bundler, RubyGems and Ruby Together
- CMOS #9: Ire Aderinokun - Khaled Bot, Can I Use Embed, Formhack
- code
- CodeMaven
- Better Predicting Wine Cultivar with Feature Selection
- Exercise: Check if number is prime
- Exercise: Counter
- Exercise: Implement Reverse Polish Calculator
- Exercise: Queue
- Exercise: ROT13
- Golang
- HAProxy
- How to send a Pull-Request on GitHub - fixing the content of the Code-Maven site
- Materialize CSS
- Materialize CSS: Rows and columns - a grid
- One dimensional spacefight (aka. The spaceship operator)
- Perl Career with Pete Sergeant
- Python: capturing, hiding, and reporting warnings
- Service Provider
- Software Circuit Breaker
- Strategy and Tooling teams
- dot file or configuration files
- color
- commit-msg
- comparison
- compile
- compute
- computers
- conda
- config
- configparser
- confirm
- console
- Console
- console.log
- consul
- containsKey
- continue
- controller
- convert
- Convos
- count
- counter
- coverage
- Coveralls
- cpp
- createTempFile
- Crystal
- Ctrl-C
- Cucumber
- cuda
- curl
- currentBuild
- CV
- cwd
- daemon
- Dancer
- Dart
- Datadog
- DataDog
- dataset
- date
- Date
- datetime
- debug
- def
- delete
- describe-instances
- describe-regions
- description
- Desktop
- DevOps
- Devops
- dict
- digestTtl
- Diggers
- Digital Ocean
- dir
- dirname
- display
- displayName
- div
- Django
- dns
- DO
- Docker
- Build Docker image in GitLab CI/CD pipeline
- Build docker image with buildah
- CI for farmworld, a Python package - a failed attempt
- Creating a file on a mounted volume in Docker as the external user (and not as root)
- DevOps work - setting up CI and Docker for the course management project with Thomas Klausner
- Docker
- Docker
- Docker course intro
- Docker course: COPY welcome.txt
- Docker course: Docker Registry
- Docker course: Docker hub
- Docker course: ENTRYPOINT vs CMD
- Docker course: Exercise 1
- Docker course: Hello World
- Docker course: Install Docker
- Docker course: Install curl
- Docker course: Ubuntu htop
- Docker course: Use Ubuntu Docker image
- Docker course: What is Docker?
- Docker course: Why use Docker?
- Docker course: busybox
- Docker course: busybox part 2
- Docker course: container vs. image
- Docker course: create image from container
- Docker course: create image using Dockerfile
- Docker course: crontab
- Docker course: getting help
- Docker course: host - daemon - client
- Docker course: mounting host directory
- Docker course: version and info
- First impression with Raku
- GitLab CI job building a Docker image
- Running Jenkins in Docker
- Services provided by Gabor Szabo at Code Maven
- Testing a Docker image created by GitLab CI
- Use Docker both as regular user and as root (with or without sudo)
- docker
- Dockerfile
- doctest
- document
- document.getElementById
- document.referre
- document.write
- downcase
- each
- each_char
- eachFile
- eachFileRecurse
- eachWithIndex
- ec2
- echo
- ElasticSearch
- elasticsearch
- elif
- else
- elsif
- emailext
- emoji
- enumerate
- environment
- Environment
- error
- error code
- errorhandler
- evaluate
- Exception
- exec
- exercise
- Exercises
- exercises
- Download a web page
- Exercise: Add numbers taken from a CSV file
- Exercise: Analyze Apache log file - count every host
- Exercise: Analyze Apache log file - count localhost
- Exercise: Compare the Wikipedia translations
- Exercise: Count words in a file
- Exercise: Create calculator
- Exercise: Echo Web application
- Exercise: Hello World
- Exercise: Hello World for Web applications
- Exercise: Implement the wc command of Linux/Unix (word count)
- Exercise: Improve Number guessing game
- Exercise: Improve the color selector
- Exercise: Match Roman numbers
- Exercise: Match hexa, octal, binary numbers
- Exercise: Match numbers with regex
- Exercise: Number guessing game
- Exercise: Parse HTTP GET parameters
- Exercise: Regexes part 1
- Exercise: Send HTML e-mail
- Exercise: Send e-mail with attachment
- Exercise: Send plain text e-mail
- Exercise: Sort based on secondary condition
- Exercise: Split file path using regex
- Exercise: Sum of numbers in a file
- Exercise: add more statistics
- Exercise: color selector
- Exercise: count digits
- Exercise: display unique rows of a file
- Exercise: parse hours log file and create time report
- Exercise: parse variable width fields
- Exercise: sort SNMP numbers
- Exercise: sort mixed string
- Exercise: sort scores
- Exercise: write report to file
- Flight ticket vendor for low-cost flights
- MasterMind
- Personal Bookmarks
- Programming Exercises
- RSS/Atom to e-mail
- Solution: Number guessing game in Python
- Solution: Number guessing game in Ruby
- TODO list
- URL Shortener
- exit
- Expect
- Face recognition
- fail-fast
- File
- Count digits in Groovy
- Groovy file and directory attributes
- Groovy: listing the content of a directory, traversing a directory tree
- Groovy: read CSV file
- Groovy: reading and writing files - appending content
- Groovy: sum of numbers
- Groovy: temporary file with autodelete
- How to write to file in Ruby
- Open file and read content in Ruby
- file
- File::LOCK_NB
- Filebeat
- filedialog
- fileHandler
- files
- FileSystemLoader
- filter
- find
- find -type f
- find_one_and_update
- findAndModify
- Firefox
- Fixnum
- flake8
- Flask
- Deploying Python Flask using uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04
- Flask Tutorial
- Flask counter with SQLite, SQLAlchemy, pytest
- Flask counter with SQLite, SQLAlchemy, pytest - database migration with yoyo
- Flask routes - URL mapping - views
- Flask: display elapsed time
- Hello World with Flask and Python
- Python Flask: catch and handle exceptions in routes using errorhandler
- Python Flask: execute code after every request
- Python Flask: execute code before every request
- Python Flask: execute code once before first request
- Python Flask: logging
- Shopping list
- Upload multiple files with HTML and Flask
- flask
- flask.render_template
- float
- Float
- flock
- FLOSS Weekly
- for
- Callback or Iterator in Python
- Count digits in Groovy
- Creating an Iterator in Python
- Find the first element in Python list that matches some condition
- For loop in Ruby (iterating over array elements)
- Groovy: Lists
- Groovy: for loop - break - continue
- Python: Iterate over list of tuples
- Show number of files in several directory trees using Shell
- for-else in Python indicating "value not found"
- force
- fork
- form
- format
- Formatter
- free
- fs
- fs.stat
- fs.Stats
- func
- function
- g
- gcloud
- get
- getAttribute
- getBuildCauses
- getClass
- getElementById
- Input Output in plain JavaScript
- JavaScript Hello World - changing the DOM with getElementById and innerHTML
- Mobile swipe left, swipe right of HTML pages using vanilla JavaScript
- Multiple counters with plain JavaScript and local storage
- On-load counter with JavaScript and local storage
- TODO in HTML5 and plain JavaScript
- getElementsByClassName
- getElementsByTagName
- getItem
- getLabels
- getLogger
- getmtime
- getopt
- getParent
- getPreviousBuild
- gets
- getText
- git
- Adding first file to your git repository
- Bitbucket
- Creating a local git repository
- Download and install Git on MS Windows
- Download and install git
- Enforce fast forward as merge strategy in Git
- Enforcing commit message format in Git - on the client side
- Exercise git session 1
- Filtering GitHub pull requests waiting for me
- Getting help for git
- Getting started with Git on MS Windows
- Git
- Git Workflow for teams using a single remote repository
- Git file status
- Git on Windows
- Git workflow for individuals
- Git: Check for conflicts before merge
- Jenkins Pipeline: git checkout using reference to speed up cloning large repositories
- Per project (per directory) private ssh keys for git
- Recording changes in Git
- Start Git with a local repository
- The difference between annotated and simple git tags
- Why use a version control system (VCS)?
- git branching strategy for when you cannot use the --force
- git config
- git stash - temporary saving changes
- Git
- GitHub
- A JavaScript bug and GitHub Workflow CI for the four-pillars Ruby gem
- Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async-Redis-XS Perl module
- Add GitHub Actions to the scale_rb Ruby project
- Add GitHub actions to the xhash project written in Go
- Adding CI to Perl::Efl - sometimes you need to do some extra work
- Automated tests for sssimp, a simple static site generator in Python
- Be pragmatic setting up CI for the RDF::KV
- Books
- CI for Data::Alias in Perl - including threaded perl
- CI for Mojo-UserAgent-Cached and Plack-Middleware-Greylist
- CI for Plack-Middleware-LogAny
- CI for Win32-Wlan Perl module
- CI for a Python project of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
- CI for farmworld, a Python package - a failed attempt
- CI for multi_string_replace Ruby Gem
- CI for perl5-MIME-Types
- CI for sdk-py Python packages
- CI for the draftjs_html Ruby Gem
- CI for wp2txt Ruby project
- CI using timescaledb a PostgreSQL based time series database
- Create an account on GitHub.
- Failing CI to help fixing filesystem issues in a Python package
- Filtering GitHub pull requests waiting for me
- Finding an Open Source Python project to contribute to
- Fix URL to repository of the glob-linters Python project
- Full gas in neutral - CI for prepper
- Getting Started with GitHub Pages: with HTML and with Jekyll
- Getting started with Git and GitHub (with Olga Tapinova)
- GitHub Action CI for wsblib Python
- GitHub Actions
- GitHub Actions CI for the pcr_optimizer Python package
- GitHub Actions CI for the rdf-kv Ruby Gem
- GitHub Actions for Colombian Spanish. In Python
- GitHub Workflow for ruby-request-builder
- Go Course: Getting started with the Golang course
- Go Course: Go and Open Source
- Go Course: Install the Go compiler
- Go Course: Why use Go? The features of Golang
- How to send a Pull-Request on GitHub - fixing the content of the Code-Maven site
- Introduce Continuous Integration (CI) to the starpy Python project
- JavaScript and jQuery on GitHub pages
- Make it easy to setup CI environment - python (once-utils)
- Moving from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions for Marpa::R2
- Python helper: Let all CI jobs fail separately
- Python: Pydigger add author field to a PyPI package
- Reporting issues on GitHub (for Perl Advent)
- Running external programs with Python (system and subprocess)
- Test and CI for MoreBeautifulPython
- Github
- GitHub Actions
- GitLab
- GitSCM
- go
- Go
- Golang
- GraphQL
- grep
- gron
- Groovy
- GroovyShell
- gsutil
- h1
- Hackathon
- handle_starttag
- Handlebars
- Handlebars.compile
- Handlebars.registerHelper
- Hash
- header
- HTMLParser
- htmlspecialchars
- htop
- http
- http.get
- http.server
- httpbin
- HTTPServer
- hypothesis
- id_rsa
- identify
- IE
- if
- if_eq
- iff
- Image
- ImageDraw
- ImageFont
- ImageMagick
- import
- imread
- imwrite
- in
- index
- India
- info
- innerHTML
- input
- insert
- instance
- instanceof
- Int
- int
- Integer
- interact
- interview
- CMOS #10: Michael Kennedy - Talk Python To Me
- CMOS #11: Mohammad S. Anwar - Contributing to CPAN every single day
- CMOS #12: Randal Schwartz the host of FLOSS Weekly
- CMOS #13: Trung Đinh Quang on GitHub Explorer - a progressive web app
- CMOS #14: Johnny Ray Austin - Mo - Django - VueJS
- CMOS #15: Prosper Otemuyiwa - Laravel
- CMOS #16: Jan Henning Thorsen and Marcus Ramberg about Convos, the web-based IRC client
- CMOS #17: Moyinoluwa Adeyemi creating Android Watch in Yorùbá
- CMOS #18: Timi Ajiboye on Client Manager, Resque, Friendly ID and other Rails gems
- CMOS #19: Job van Achterberg - Inclusive design
- CMOS #1: Jason Crome on Perl Dancer 2
- CMOS #2: Sawyer X on Perl 5
- CMOS #3: Joel Berger on Mojolicious
- CMOS #4: Tom Hudson - gron for making JSON greppable
- CMOS #5 Lucy Greco - DictationBridge - helping the visually impaired
- CMOS #6: Tally Barak on GraphQL
- CMOS #7: Obinwanne Hill on RestiveJS
- CMOS #8: Lynn 'Cyrin' Conway on Bundler, RubyGems and Ruby Together
- CMOS #9: Ire Aderinokun - Khaled Bot, Can I Use Embed, Formhack
- Job search
- Job search - Distantjob with Leticia Naranjo
- Perl Career with Pete Sergeant
- What does an SRE do at Adobe? - Our guest is Rachael Bates
- invitation
- IPv6. IPv4
- isDirectory
- isFile
- isinstance
- Israel
- items
- iterdir
- Java
- java
- javac
- JavaScript
- CMOS #13: Trung Đinh Quang on GitHub Explorer - a progressive web app
- CMOS #9: Ire Aderinokun - Khaled Bot, Can I Use Embed, Formhack
- Counter Example: Improved Vanilla JavaScript
- Counter Example: Vanilla JavaScript
- Custom HTML Attributes
- JavaScript
- JavaScript and jQuery on GitHub pages
- Show ads to visitors based on referrer using JavaScript only
- Javascript
- Jekyll
- Jenkins
- Books
- How to set the job number and description for a Jenkinsfile in a Jenkins Pipeline?
- Jenkins
- Jenkins Pipeline - set and use environment variables
- Jenkins Pipeline BuildUser plugin
- Jenkins Pipeline parameters
- Jenkins Pipeline printing Unicode characters
- Jenkins Pipeline: Collect exit code from external commands
- Jenkins Pipeline: git checkout using reference to speed up cloning large repositories
- Jenkins pipeline: Get previous build status - getPreviousBuild
- Jenkins pipeline: List agents by name or by label
- Jenkins pipeline: add badges
- Jenkins pipeline: interactive input during process
- Jenkins pipeline: parallel stages
- Jenkins report the name of the stage that failed
- Jenkins triggers: Periodic polling
- Jenkins: separate jobs for development and production
- Running Jenkins in Docker
- Services provided by Gabor Szabo at Code Maven
- Vagrant for Jenkins on Ubuntu
- jenkins-cli
- jinja2
- jmeter
- jobs
- join
- jpype
- jq
- jQuery
- jQuery.get
- JSLint
- json
- JSON.parse
- JSON.stringify
- JsonSlurper
- Junit
- key
- keySet
- Kibana
- lambda
- Laravel
- lc
- length
- levenshtein
- LibreLingo
- LineNumberReader
- LinkedList
- Linux
- Exercise: Linux as a Virtual Environment - install + nginx
- Installing Ubuntu Linux in VirtualBox on top of Windows, Mac, or another Linux system
- Linux
- Linux TAB completion of ls
- Setup 2 Ubuntu boxes in VirtualBox to communicate with each other
- Vagrant and VirtualBox on Ubuntu 17.10 and CentOS 7
- VirtualBox host-only network - ssh to remote machine
- list
- List
- live
- DevOps work - setting up CI and Docker for the course management project with Thomas Klausner
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - Part 1
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 10
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 2
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 3
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 4
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 5
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 6
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 7
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 8
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 9
- Exploring GitLab CI
- Web Application development in Laravel with Natalie O'Brien
- Working on PyDigger
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla - part 3
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla - part 4
- Working on the workout-app with Rachel Normand
- Working on the workout-app with Rachel Normand - part 1 ReactJS
- Working on the workout-app with Rachel Normand - part 2 - Python Flask, Pytest
- Live
- locals
- localStorage
- log
- logger
- logging
- Logstash
- lowercase
- ls
- ls -1
- Mac
- mailgun
- main
- manager
- map
- Markdown
- master
- Materialize
- Math.random
- Mechanize
- Meetup
- Meteor
- Metricbeat
- Microblog
- MissingPropertyException
- mktemp
- mock
- mocking
- Mojolicious
- MongoDB
- monitoring
- msg
- mypy
- NaN
- nano
- netstat
- new
- newReader
- next
- nextInt
- ng-app
- ng-change
- ng-click
- ng-controller
- ng-include
- ng-init
- ng-model
- ng-repeat
- ng-show
- ng-view
- Nginx
- nginx
- ngRouter
- Nigeria
- no_ssh
- node
- Node.js
- None
- Norway
- notify-send
- numba
- Numpy
- numpy
- Nvidia
- onbeforeunload
- open
- Analyze Apache log file - count localhost in Ruby
- Command-line counter in Python
- Count digits in Ruby
- Count web server hits using Ruby
- Open file and read content in Ruby
- Python: Sum of numbers in a file
- Run only one instance of a Ruby program at the same time - self locking
- Solution: Sum of numbers in a file implemented in Ruby
- open source
- Open Source
- Contributing to Open Source Software: VS Code (Visual Studio Code)
- How to contribute to Meta::CPAN
- How to contribute to an Open Source project?
- Live web sites with editable Open Source source code
- Open Source Companies
- Open Source Projects
- Open Source Web application frameworks
- Ready-made downloadable and deployable Open Source web applications
- open source tools
- open-uri
- OpenCV
- Opera
- Optional
- os
- OS
- os.listdir
- os.path.exists
- os.path.getsize
- os.path.isdir
- os.path.isfile
- os.path.join
- os.stat
- osascript
- p!
- package
- PackageLoader
- packages
- Pair
- Pandas
- parallel
- parameters
- parseCSV
- parseText
- partial
- passlib
- path
- Path
- pathlib
- Paths
- pause
- Perl
- Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async-Redis-XS Perl module
- CI for Win32-Wlan Perl module
- CMOS #11: Mohammad S. Anwar - Contributing to CPAN every single day
- CMOS #12: Randal Schwartz the host of FLOSS Weekly
- CMOS #1: Jason Crome on Perl Dancer 2
- CMOS #2: Sawyer X on Perl 5
- CMOS #3: Joel Berger on Mojolicious
- How to contribute to Meta::CPAN
- Installing Perl and CPAN modules using Ansible
- Pretty print JSON with beautifier: How to make a JSON readable
- Registry of 3rd party libraries / packages / modules
- Why to have Public Version Control System for Open Source Projects?
- Perl 5
- pg_database
- pickle
- Convert Python numpy array to in memory binary image using PIL or OpenCV
- Create images with Python PIL and Pillow and write text on them
- Crop images using Python PIL - Pillow
- Python PIL - Pillow tutorial and examples
- Python: get size of image using PIL or Pillow
- Resize images using Python PIL Pillow
- Write text on existing image using Python PIL - Pillow
- Pillow
- ping
- ping4
- ping6
- pip
- pipeline
- Pipeline
- PlayWright
- podcast
- CMOS #10: Michael Kennedy - Talk Python To Me
- CMOS #11: Mohammad S. Anwar - Contributing to CPAN every single day
- CMOS #12: Randal Schwartz the host of FLOSS Weekly
- CMOS #13: Trung Đinh Quang on GitHub Explorer - a progressive web app
- CMOS #14: Johnny Ray Austin - Mo - Django - VueJS
- CMOS #15: Prosper Otemuyiwa - Laravel
- CMOS #16: Jan Henning Thorsen and Marcus Ramberg about Convos, the web-based IRC client
- CMOS #17: Moyinoluwa Adeyemi creating Android Watch in Yorùbá
- CMOS #18: Timi Ajiboye on Client Manager, Resque, Friendly ID and other Rails gems
- CMOS #19: Job van Achterberg - Inclusive design
- CMOS #1: Jason Crome on Perl Dancer 2
- CMOS #2: Sawyer X on Perl 5
- CMOS #3: Joel Berger on Mojolicious
- CMOS #4: Tom Hudson - gron for making JSON greppable
- CMOS #5 Lucy Greco - DictationBridge - helping the visually impaired
- CMOS #6: Tally Barak on GraphQL
- CMOS #7: Obinwanne Hill on RestiveJS
- CMOS #8: Lynn 'Cyrin' Conway on Bundler, RubyGems and Ruby Together
- CMOS #9: Ire Aderinokun - Khaled Bot, Can I Use Embed, Formhack
- CMOS - Code-Maven Open Source podcast
- pollSCM
- pop
- PostgrSQL
- pp
- printenv
- printf
- println
- process
- progressive
- projectName
- projects
- Download a web page
- Exercise: Add numbers taken from a CSV file
- Exercise: Analyze Apache log file - count every host
- Exercise: Analyze Apache log file - count localhost
- Exercise: Compare the Wikipedia translations
- Exercise: Count words in a file
- Exercise: Create calculator
- Exercise: Echo Web application
- Exercise: Hello World
- Exercise: Hello World for Web applications
- Exercise: Implement the wc command of Linux/Unix (word count)
- Exercise: Improve Number guessing game
- Exercise: Improve the color selector
- Exercise: Match Roman numbers
- Exercise: Match hexa, octal, binary numbers
- Exercise: Match numbers with regex
- Exercise: Number guessing game
- Exercise: Parse HTTP GET parameters
- Exercise: Regexes part 1
- Exercise: Send HTML e-mail
- Exercise: Send e-mail with attachment
- Exercise: Send plain text e-mail
- Exercise: Sort based on secondary condition
- Exercise: Split file path using regex
- Exercise: Sum of numbers in a file
- Exercise: add more statistics
- Exercise: color selector
- Exercise: count digits
- Exercise: display unique rows of a file
- Exercise: parse hours log file and create time report
- Exercise: parse variable width fields
- Exercise: sort SNMP numbers
- Exercise: sort mixed string
- Exercise: sort scores
- Exercise: write report to file
- Flight ticket vendor for low-cost flights
- Ideas for TED
- Personal Bookmarks
- Programming Exercises
- RSS/Atom to e-mail
- TODO list
- URL Shortener
- prompt
- properties
- ps
- PS1
- psql
- ptpython
- Pull Request
- push
- puts
- Pydigger
- Pyjithon
- pymongo
- pytest
- Combine pytest reports
- Fight or Flight? - dealing with real world applications in Python
- Flask counter with SQLite, SQLAlchemy, pytest
- Flask counter with SQLite, SQLAlchemy, pytest - database migration with yoyo
- Minimal setup for Coverage report at Coveralls for Python projects hosted on GitHub
- Mocking input and output for Python testing
- Parsing test results from JUnit XML files with Python
- Python Pytest assertion error reporting
- Python testing with Pytest: Order of test functions - fixtures
- Python: PyTest fixtures - temporary directory - tmpdir
- Python: Temporary files and directory for Pytest
- Python: fixing random numbers for testing
- Static code analysis for Python code - PEP8, FLAKE8, pytest
- Static code analysis for Python code - PEP8, FLAKE8, pytest
- Testing Python: Getting started with Pytest
- Testing interval-timer, a Python module
- Testing with PyTest
- python
- Python
- Add language tags to PyVideo
- Ansible on Ubuntu in VirtualBox environment - using Python 3
- Backend Python developer - Junior Python programmer
- Basic modification of Biological data frames using Pandas by Shelley Klompus
- Books
- CI for farmworld, a Python package - a failed attempt
- Calling Java from Python
- Command line accounting in Python
- Compare the speed of grep with Python regexes
- Compile Python from source code
- Deploying Python Flask using uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04
- Deploying Python with uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 13.10
- Finding an Open Source Python project to contribute to
- Fix URL to repository of the glob-linters Python project
- Functional programming in Python
- Getting started with Flake8
- GitHub Action CI for wsblib Python
- Introduce Continuous Integration (CI) to the starpy Python project
- Managing jobs in a PBS cluster using Python
- Parsing test results from JUnit XML files with Python
- Pretty print JSON with beautifier: How to make a JSON readable
- Python
- Python Functional Programming: Exercises 1
- Python Functional Programming: Introduction
- Python Functional Programming: Iterators and Iterables
- Python Functional Programming: Solutions 1
- Python Functional Programming: filter
- Python Functional Programming: lambda functions
- Python Functional Programming: map
- Python Functional Programming: map - part 2
- Python Functional Programming: reduce
- Python Functional Programming: zip
- Python PIL - Pillow tutorial and examples
- Python: Parsing HTML with Beautiful soup
- Python: Pydigger add author field to a PyPI package
- Registry of 3rd party libraries / packages / modules
- Selenium IDE and the Selenium Driver in Python (PyWeb-IL #56)
- Selenium with Python Live session with Ynon Perek
- Super-global variables in Python exploiting the builtins package
- Why to have Public Version Control System for Open Source Projects?
- Working on PyDigger
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla - part 3
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla - part 4
- Working on s3path the Python File-System/Path like interface for AWS S3 with Lior Mizrahi
- PyVideo
- QA
- Quality
- quality
- qx
- qxx
- R
- R&D
- raise
- Raku
- Rakudo
- rand
- random
- Random
- randrange
- range
- raw_input
- rdfind
- re
- ReactJS
- read
- read_csv
- readchar
- readFile
- readFileSync
- readFirstLine
- readline
- readLine
- readLines
- realpath
- rebase
- reboot
- redirectTo
- Redis
- reduce
- regexes
- removeItem
- render_template
- replaceAll
- reportlab
- request
- requests
- require
- resolveSibling
- RestiveJS
- return
- returncode
- returnStatus
- reverse
- Rex
- Rexify
- rpyc
- ruby
- Ruby
- Ruby Gems
- RubyGems
- Rust
- S3
- Safari
- Sails.js
- say
- Scrapy
- screencast
- Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async-Redis-XS Perl module
- Add GitHub Actions to the scale_rb Ruby project
- Add language tags to PyVideo
- Adding first file to your git repository
- Automated tests for sssimp, a simple static site generator in Python
- Automation with Rex - part 3 - Rexify
- Basic modification of Biological data frames using Pandas by Shelley Klompus
- COVID 19 charts by DungeonTiger
- Command line accounting in Python
- Contributing to Open Source Software: VS Code (Visual Studio Code)
- Creating a local git repository
- Crystal part 1 - installation
- Crystal part 2 - puts, print, p!
- Debug and Explore Python with PT Python
- DevOps work - setting up CI and Docker for the course management project with Thomas Klausner
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - Part 1
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 10
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 2
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 3
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 4
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 5
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 6
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 7
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 8
- Developing an application for organising online self knowledge workshops - part 9
- Displaying a graph from Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) by Gabriele Meilikhov
- Docker course intro
- Docker course: COPY welcome.txt
- Docker course: Docker Registry
- Docker course: Docker hub
- Docker course: ENTRYPOINT vs CMD
- Docker course: Exercise 1
- Docker course: Hello World
- Docker course: Install Docker
- Docker course: Install curl
- Docker course: Ubuntu htop
- Docker course: Use Ubuntu Docker image
- Docker course: What is Docker?
- Docker course: Why use Docker?
- Docker course: busybox
- Docker course: busybox part 2
- Docker course: container vs. image
- Docker course: create image from container
- Docker course: create image using Dockerfile
- Docker course: crontab
- Docker course: getting help
- Docker course: host - daemon - client
- Docker course: mounting host directory
- Docker course: version and info
- Download and install Git on MS Windows
- Download and install git
- Exercise git session 1
- Exercise: Analyze Apache log file - count every host
- Exercise: Hello World
- Exercise: Match Roman numbers
- Exercise: Match hexa, octal, binary numbers
- Exercise: Match numbers with regex
- Exercise: Split file path using regex
- Exercise: parse INI file
- Exercise: parse hours log file and create time report
- Exercise: parse variable width fields
- Exercise: sort SNMP numbers
- Exercise: sort scores
- Exploring GitLab CI
- Fix URL to repository of the glob-linters Python project
- Getting help for git
- Getting started with Git and GitHub (with Olga Tapinova)
- Getting started with Git on MS Windows
- Git file status
- Go Course: Getting started with the Golang course
- Go Course: Go and Open Source
- Go Course: Install the Go compiler
- Go Course: Why use Go? The features of Golang
- Hello World with Rust and Cargo
- How do files really look like in the computer?
- How to contribute to Meta::CPAN
- How to send a Pull-Request on GitHub - fixing the content of the Code-Maven site
- Implementing a feature in the Typescript cucumber-playwright package with Tally Barak
- Infinite scrolling and footer don't work well together (not even on DEV.to)
- Introduce Continuous Integration (CI) to the starpy Python project
- Learn automation using Rexify
- Learning ReactJS in a live session
- LibreLingo - adding a Cancel button
- Linux TAB completion of ls
- Live Crystal Shardbox development with Johannes Müller (straight-shoota)
- Make it easy to setup CI environment - python (once-utils)
- Managing jobs in a PBS cluster using Python
- Multiple OS-es using Rexify
- Patch rdfind, a C++ project to avoid checksum checking
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #1
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #10
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #11
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #12
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #13
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #14 - f-strings and formatted printing
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #15 - list methods, FIFO, LIFO
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #16 - Solutions for Queue, Stack, MasterMind
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #17 - lists: sort, range, enumerate; tuples
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #18 - Algorithm complexity and solutions for the list exercises
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #19
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #2
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #20
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #21
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #22
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #23
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #24
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #25
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #26
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #27
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #28
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #29
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #3
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #30
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #31
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #32
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #33
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #34
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #35
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #36
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #37
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #38
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #39
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #4
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #40
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #41
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #42
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #5
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #6
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #7
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #8
- Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #9
- Python Functional Programming: Exercises 1
- Python Functional Programming: Introduction
- Python Functional Programming: Iterators and Iterables
- Python Functional Programming: Solutions 1
- Python Functional Programming: filter
- Python Functional Programming: lambda functions
- Python Functional Programming: map
- Python Functional Programming: map - part 2
- Python Functional Programming: reduce
- Python Functional Programming: zip
- Python Programming Bootcamp for Scientists
- Python helper: Let all CI jobs fail separately
- Python: Pydigger add author field to a PyPI package
- Recording changes in Git
- Reporting issues on GitHub (for Perl Advent)
- Selenium with Python Live session with Ynon Perek
- Setting up ELK using Rexify
- Signal handling: Catch Ctrl-C in Python
- Skeleton Go program - error messages in Go
- Start Git with a local repository
- Test and CI for MoreBeautifulPython
- Testing interval-timer, a Python module
- The Algorithms in Python: Testing binary and using doctest
- Travis-CI: Why use Continuous Integration?
- Why use a version control system (VCS)?
- Working on PyDigger
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla - part 3
- Working on PyDigger with Upasana Shukla - part 4
- Working on s3path the Python File-System/Path like interface for AWS S3 with Lior Mizrahi
- Working on the workout-app with Rachel Normand - part 1 ReactJS
- Working on the workout-app with Rachel Normand - part 2 - Python Flask, Pytest
- seed
- seek
- Selenium
- separators
- service
- set
- setItem
- sh
- Shardbox
- shell
- shift
- shlex
- shutdown
- sidenav
- signal
- size
- slave
- sort
- SourceURI
- split
- sprintf
- sqlalchemy
- SQLAlchemy
- SQLite
- ssh
- Ansible playbook: print output of command
- Generate and deploy ssh private public keypair (ssh-keygen, ssh-copy-id)
- Getting Started with Ansible managing CentOS on Digital Ocean
- Per project (per directory) private ssh keys for git
- Setup 2 Ubuntu boxes in VirtualBox to communicate with each other
- VirtualBox host-only network - ssh to remote machine
- ssh-copy-id
- ssh-keygen
- st_mtime
- stage
- stages
- stash
- stat
- Statsd
- status_code
- stderr
- stdout
- step
- StopIteration
- StreamHandler
- strftime
- String
- strip
- style.display
- subprocess
- substr
- substring
- Subversion
- sudo
- SurrealDB
- survey
- Svelte
- svg
- sys.argv
- sys.getsizeof
- syslog
- System
- system
- System.exit
- System.in.newReader().readLine
- systemctl
- tag
- tags
- tcpdump
- tee
- tell
- tempdir
- template
- templateUrl
- Terraform
- testing
- Testing
- tests
- TestSuite
- text
- TextTestRunner
- The Netherlands
- throw
- time
- Tk
- tmpdir
- tmux
- to_a
- to_f
- to_i
- to_lower
- to_r
- to_s
- to_upper
- top
- touchend
- touchstart
- trace
- traceback
- training
- Travis-CI
- triggers
- trim
- try
- tuple
- type
- TypeScript
- typing
- Ubuntu
- Add application to quick lanuch in Ubuntu
- Ansible on Ubuntu in VirtualBox environment - using Python 3
- Deploying Python Flask using uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04
- Deploying Python with uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 13.10
- Exercise: Linux as a Virtual Environment - install + nginx
- Installing Ubuntu Linux in VirtualBox on top of Windows, Mac, or another Linux system
- Set up CGI with Apache on Ubuntu Linux
- Vagrant and VirtualBox on Ubuntu 17.10 and CentOS 7
- Vagrant for Jenkins on Ubuntu
- uc
- UK
- undefined
- Unicode
- Union
- unittest
- unshift
- upcase
- update
- uppercase
- upsert
- uptime
- urllib
- urllib2
- CMOS #10: Michael Kennedy - Talk Python To Me
- CMOS #12: Randal Schwartz the host of FLOSS Weekly
- CMOS #14: Johnny Ray Austin - Mo - Django - VueJS
- CMOS #1: Jason Crome on Perl Dancer 2
- CMOS #3: Joel Berger on Mojolicious
- CMOS #5 Lucy Greco - DictationBridge - helping the visually impaired
- CMOS #8: Lynn 'Cyrin' Conway on Bundler, RubyGems and Ruby Together
- use strict
- User-Agent
- UTF-8
- uuid
- Vagrant
- value
- values
- version
- video
- Vietnam
- VirtualBox
- Exercise: Linux as a Virtual Environment - install + nginx
- Installing Ubuntu Linux in VirtualBox on top of Windows, Mac, or another Linux system
- Setup 2 Ubuntu boxes in VirtualBox to communicate with each other
- Vagrant and VirtualBox on Ubuntu 17.10 and CentOS 7
- VirtualBox host-only network - ssh to remote machine
- X-forwarding to run GUI program in Vagrant box
- visudo
- VueJS
- wait
- waitpid
- walk
- warn
- wasSuccessful
- wc
- wc -l
- web
- CMOS #14: Johnny Ray Austin - Mo - Django - VueJS
- CMOS #15: Prosper Otemuyiwa - Laravel
- CMOS #1: Jason Crome on Perl Dancer 2
- CMOS #6: Tally Barak on GraphQL
- Live web sites with editable Open Source source code
- Open Source Web application frameworks
- Ready-made downloadable and deployable Open Source web applications
- Web
- webinar
- while
- Wikipedia
- wikipedia
- Wikipedia
- Wikipedia: (is)
- Wikipedia: Acehnese (ace)
- Wikipedia: Afrikaans (af)
- Wikipedia: Arabic (ar)
- Wikipedia: Hebrew (he)
- Wikipedia: Hungarian (hu)
- Wikipedia: Ilokano (ilo)
- Wikipedia: Indonesian (id)
- Wikipedia: Irish (ga)
- Wikipedia: Kapampangan (pam)
- Wikipedia: Meadow Mari (mhr)
- Wikipedia: South Azerbaijani (azb)
- Wikipedia: Sundanese (su)
- Wikipedia: Yorùbá (yo)
- Windows 7
- with
- write
- writeFile
- X-Server
- xclip
- XMLHttpRequest
- XP
- xrange
- yield
- yoyo
- yum
- zero
- ZeroDivisionError
- {{
- ||
- ||:
- }}
- ~//