Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #10
- 00:00 Solution to compare numbers
- 03:57 Solution to compare strings
- 08:00 Nóra explains her solutions using functions
- 13:10 Refactoring
- 19:27 Start the chapter Strings
- 19:38 Single quoted and double quoted strings
- 21:19 Triple quoted strings (multiline strings)
- 21:47 What would you do if you wanted to print a quote character? Escaping quotes. \n, \t
- 26:43 Is it OK to TABs instead of spaces for indenting Python code? Indentation examples. Notepad++ show whitespaces.
- 35:13 String length (len)
- 35:36 String repetition and concatenation
- 37:18 A character in a string.
- 38:00 Is a string a list? No, it's a Sequence.
- 39:00 String slice (instead of substr)
- 41:58 Change a string - Strings are immutable
- 44:20 String copy
- 47:05 String functions and methods (len, upper, lower)
- 49:30 All the built-in functions of Python
- 50:29 index and rindex in string
- 58:24 When the string is not found we get an exception. How can we prevent it?
- 59:16 find in string
- 1:00:39 in string
- 1:03:51 Encodings: ASCII, Windows-1255, Unicode
- 1:09:32 raw strings
- 1:14:42 ord
- 1:16:16 chr - number to character
- 1:16:45 Exercises
Published on 2022-10-06
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