Programming Bootcamp for Scientists #42
- 00:00 Jupyter notebook
- 01:27 Installing Jupyter
- 02:20 Launching Jupyter notebook
- 05:45 Create a new notebook
- 07:00 Rename notebook
- 09:25 Two modes of work
- 14:40 Show the help by pressing h in command mode.
- 15:20 a, b to add a box above and below
- 16:45 The format of the notebook files, JSON
- 24:10 JSON format
- 25:28 Intellisense, TAB completition
- 26:14 Starting Jupyter notebook from the command line
- 26:53 add.ipynb
- 28:32 planets.ipynb (Markdown)
- 31:00 How can we see when a piece of code is running? (The star)
- 33:40 Seaborn (sns) example
- 36:09 SatckOverflow (skipping)
- 37:54 scipy.ipynb (showing and changing an image)
- 45:08 Create random image
- 45:43 Load image using OpenCV
- 52:10 Do you usually use multiple editors or just a single editor?
- 54:45 IPy widgets
Published on 2022-11-05
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