The 2022 December CI Challenge
Advent Calendars and Advent Code Challenges are all the rage these days.
I am going to combine the ideas and write an article every day on how I configured Continuous Integration for an Open Source project and I would like to challenge you to do the same!
This is going to be a series of articles (and videos) on setting up Continuous Integration (CI) for Open Source projects.
Each day during December 2022 (well, at least till the 25th) I am going to configure CI for an open source project.
Every day I'll try to find something different. A different programming language, a different VCS hosting service, maybe some different extras that are needed (a database, etc.)
However this challenge is not only for me. I hope that you will also join me on this crazy journey, find a project that does not have CI yet, write some test if there are non, set up the CI, send the pull-request, and then post a link to it as a comment on the days post.
The VCS hosting services: I know most of the open source projects are hosted on GitHub. A lot less on GitLab. I'd be glad to hear about other hosting services where there are Open Source projects.
Where can you find projects? You can search for them on the web site of the VCS hosting service or on one of the digger projects I've been building. The currently existing projects are PyDigger for Python, CPAN Digger for Perl, and the Ruby Digger.
Let's get started!
- Test and CI for MoreBeautifulPython
- Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async-Redis-XS Perl module
- CI for farmworld, a Python package - a failed attempt
- GitHub Action CI for wsblib Python
- GitHub Actions for Colombian Spanish. In Python
- CI for Win32-Wlan Perl module
- GitHub Actions CI for the pcr_optimizer Python package
- Be pragmatic setting up CI for the RDF::KV
- Adding CI to Perl::Efl - sometimes you need to do some extra work
- CI for Mojo-UserAgent-Cached and Plack-Middleware-Greylist
- GitHub Actions CI for the rdf-kv Ruby Gem
- CI for wp2txt Ruby project
- CI for sdk-py Python packages
- CI for a Python project of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
- CI For the Log::Any Perl module
- Failing CI to help fixing filesystem issues in a Python package
- Moving from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions for Marpa::R2
- A JavaScript bug and GitHub Workflow CI for the four-pillars Ruby gem
- GitHub Workflow for ruby-request-builder
- CI for Plack-Middleware-LogAny
- CI for the draftjs_html Ruby Gem
- CI for multi_string_replace Ruby Gem
- Full gas in neutral - CI for prepper
- CI using timescaledb a PostgreSQL based time series database
- CI for perl5-MIME-Types
- CI for Data::Alias in Perl - including threaded perl

Published on 2022-12-01