SVG Polygon
This is part of the SVG Tutorial and exercises drawing a Polygon in SVG.
function draw_polygon() { var draw = SVG('polygon_1'); var width = 200; var height = 200; draw.size(width, height); var background = draw.rect(width, height).attr({ fill: '#FFF' }).stroke({ width: 1 }); var poly = draw.polygon([ [20, 10], [50, 20], [130, 100], [70, 140] ]); poly.attr({ 'fill' : '#456789' }); } draw_polygon();
A polygon is very similar to a Polyline, but it is a closed shape. The last point in the list of points is connected back to the first point.
In this example we provided 4 points and got some strange shape.

Published on 2015-02-26