SVG Polyline
This is part of the SVG Tutorial and exercises drawing a Polyline in SVG.
function draw_polyline() { var draw = SVG('polyline_1'); draw.size(200, 200); var p = draw.polyline([ [10,10], [190,10], [190,190], [20,190], [20,20], [180,20], [180,180], [30, 180] ]); p.fill('none').attr({ 'stroke' : '#FF0000', 'stroke-width' : '3px' }); } draw_polyline();
Note, typicall a polyline defines an open shape and thus it should not be filled by any color. If I understand it correctly the SVG.js library automatically uses black fill for every shape, including polylines. Therefore if we want our polyline to be not filled, we need to manually set the fill('none').
There are two parameter formats for a polyline. The one that seems so be a lot more useful is the format you see in the solution. In this case we pass an array of two-element arrays. Each one of the two-element arrays is a point in the sapce [x, y] that will be connected.
In the other format we pass a string in which the x,y pairs are separated by a space.
In this case the x,y pair should have no spaces around the comma.
So we pass either of the following:
but this would be incorrect:
in which the points are calculated by a function.
[ [x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3, y3], ... ]
'x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 ...'
x1, y1 ...
A polyline of a snail
function draw_polyline_snail() {
var draw = SVG('polyline_snail');
draw.size(200, 200);
var s = new Array;
var step = 180;
var delta = 10;
var x = 10;
var y = 10;
s.push([x, y]);
while (Math.abs(step) > 10) {
x += step;
s.push([x, y]);
y += step;
s.push([x, y]);
step -= delta;
step *= -1;
delta *= -1;
var p = draw.polyline(s);
'stroke' : '#00FF00',
'stroke-width' : '3px'

Published on 2015-02-25