Multiple OS-es using Rexify
During this meeting Ferenc Erki, the lead developer of Rex helped us with various tasks using Rex.
We started where we left of last time when FErki gave us an introduction to Rex.
Before the meeting
I've created a Rexfile to set up the environment as we had it when we finished the first session.
- Created a pair of private/public keys that will be used in these examples. Locally I saved them in ~/.ssh/rex. I have manually uploaded the public key to Digital Ocean and call it Rex.
- Create A Droplet with Ubuntu 20.04 in New York 1. Hostname code-maven-rex. This will me the management machine during the meeting.
- Also create 2 Droplets with Ubuntu 20.04 in New York 1 Hostname ubu-1 and ubu-2 using the Rex public key
- On the management server: Install Rex using apt-get, copy the .ssh/config file and copy the files we created in the previous session
- Copy the private ssh key to ~/.ssh/ on code-maven-rex, the management machine.
- Run the Rex code on the management server to set up the web server on ubu-1
use Rex -feature => [qw( 1.4 exec_autodie)]; desc 'Just printing hostname'; task 'print_hostname', sub { say run('hostname'); }; desc 'Install Rex from Linux distribution'; task install_rex => sub { update_package_db; pkg 'rex', ensure => 'present'; say run('rex -v'); }; desc 'Configure Rex'; task configure_rex => sub { # file is a "resource" (included in the audit log) file '/root/.ssh', ensure => 'directory', owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0700'; file '/root/.ssh/id_rsa', source => '/home/gabor/.ssh/rex/rex_id_rsa', owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0600'; file '/root/.ssh/config', source => 'files/config'; # had to edit manually including the IP addresses file '/root/infra', ensure => 'directory'; file '/root/infra/files', ensure => 'directory'; file '/root/infra/Rexfile', source => '../infra/Rexfile'; # sync_up, sync_down are "commands" sync_up '../infra/files', '/root/infra/files'; }; desc 'Check Rex'; task check_rex => sub { #if( not is_installed("tree") ) { # update_package_db; pkg 'tree', ensure => 'present'; #} #say for run(q{tree -a /root/}); say scalar run(q{tree -a /root/}); }; # This did not work well desc 'update'; task update => sub { update_package_db; update_system; #run('apt-get dist-upgrade -y'); say run('uptime'); #run('reboot'); #say run('uptime'); }; desc 'Reboot'; task reboot => sub { say run('uptime'); task '_reboot'; wait_for_system_to_come_back(connection->server); say run('uptime'); }; desc 'Reboot'; task _reboot => sub { run('reboot'); }; use Rex::Commands::SimpleCheck; sub wait_for_system_to_come_back { my ($server) = @_; # give some time for the reboot Rex::Logger::info("Waiting for system reboot of $server..."); #sleep 30; while ( !is_port_open $server, 22 ) { sleep 1; } Rex::Logger::info("System $server is up and running again..."); #Rex::Logger::info("Waiting 30 seconds for the services to start up..."); #sleep 30; # reconnect ssh Rex::get_current_connection_object->reconnect; }
I had to update the config file manually based on the IP addresses generated by Digital Ocean.
#Host * # StrictHostKeyChecking no Host ubu1 Hostname Host ubu2 Hostname
- Get Rex
- template
- get_operating_system
- case
- paralellism
- install_packages
- local::lib
- patch system and reboot gist (long)
- Switch to latest Rex from CPAN.
- Create droplets using Fedora, Debian, CentOS, and FreeBSD as well in different regions. (Done manually during the meeting.)
- Deploy the Web server with our page on each one of them. (Managed to do it partially)
- Introduction to templates - Change the html page so on each distribution it will say "Welcome to DISTRIBUTION by Rex"
- We discussed a way to version control exactly what we are running? (So list inventory and only allow to run on the macnies in the inventory. host groups?)
Added the following to ~/.bashrc, disconnected and logged in again.
eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)"
Bash history
1 rex -v 2 cpanm 3 adduser rexify 4 perl -MCPAN -Mlocal::lib -e 'CPAN::install(LWP)' 5 apt search local-lib 6 apt search liblocal-lib-perl 7 apt install liblocal-lib-perl 8 perl -Mlocal::lib 9 vim .bashrc 10 printenv 11 apt install libcpanminus-lib-perl 12 apt install cpanminus 18 apt install build-essential 19 cpanm Rex 20 rex -v 21 ll 22 cd infra/ 23 ll 24 rex -T 25 rex -H 'ubu[1,2]' print_hostname 26 vim ~/.ssh/config 27 rex -H 'ubu[1,2] deb1' print_hostname 28 rex -H 'ubu[1,2] deb1' -T 29 rex -H 'deb1' setup_nginx 30 vim Rexfile 31 rex -H 'deb1' setup_nginx -d 32 rex -H 'deb1' -d setup_nginx 33 vim Rexfile 34 rex -H 'deb1' setup_nginx 35 cat ~/.ssh/config 36 rex -H 'deb1' setup_nginx -T 37 rex -H 'deb1' -T setup_nginx 38 rex -H 'deb1' -T 39 rex -H 'deb1' configure_nginx 40 vim ../.ssh/config 41 #rex -H 'ubu[1,2] deb1 cent1 fed1 free1' print_hostname 42 cat ~/.ssh/config 43 rex -H 'ubu[1,2] deb1 cent1 fed1 free1' print_hostname 44 fg 45 vim Rexfile 46 fg 47 rex -T 48 rex -G all print_hostname 49 rex -G all -T 50 rex -G all setup_nginx 51 rex -h 52 rex -h | less 53 rex -t 6 -G all setup_nginx 54 cat ~/.ssh/config 55 fg 56 rex -t 6 -G all setup_nginx 57 fg 58 rex -H ubu1 -e 'run(q{get_operating_system})' 59 rex -H ubu1 -e 'say get_operating_system' 60 rex -H fed1 -e 'say get_operating_system' 61 fg 62 rex -t 6 -G all configure_nginx 63 rex -H 'fed1' -e 'say run(q{getent passwd})' 64 rex -H 'fed1' -e 'say scalar run(q{getent passwd})' 65 rex -H 'cent1' -e 'say scalar run(q{getent passwd})' 66 rex -H 'free1' -e 'say scalar run(q{getent passwd})' 67 fg 68 rex -t 6 -G all configure_nginx 69 fg 70 rex -t 6 -G all configure_nginx 71 fg 72 rex -H 'fed1' -e 'say scalar run(q{ls -l /etc/nginx})' 73 rex -H 'fed1' -e 'say scalar run(q{ls -l /etc/nginx/conf.d})' 74 rex -H 'cent1' -e 'say scalar run(q{ls -l /etc/nginx/conf.d})' 75 fg 76 rex -H 'fed1 cent1' -e 'say scalar run(q{ls -l /etc/nginx/sites-enabled})' 77 rex -H 'cent1' -e 'say scalar run(q{ls -l /etc/nginx/sites-enabled})' 78 fg 79 rex -H 'free1' -e 'say scalar run(q{ls -l /etc/})' 80 fg 81 rex -t 6 -G all configure_nginx 83 rex -H 'fed1 cent1' -e 'say scalar run(q{ls -l /tmp/})' 84 rex -H 'fed1 cent1' -e 'say scalar run(q{ls -l /tmp/rex/})' 85 rex -H 'fed1 cent1' -e 'say scalar run(q{cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf})'
use Rex -feature => [qw( 1.4 exec_autodie)]; group all => qw(ubu[1,2] deb1 cent1 fed1 free1); desc 'Just printing hostname'; task 'print_hostname', sub { say run('hostname'); }; desc 'Setup nginx'; task setup_nginx => sub { update_package_db; pkg 'nginx', ensure => 'present'; service 'nginx', ensure => 'started'; }; desc 'Configure new Rex website'; task configure_nginx => sub { # copy ubu-1.conf to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ #run('rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default'); my $nginx_dir = case operating_system, { qr{Debian|Ubuntu}i => "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled", qr{Fedora|Centos}i => "/etc/nginx/conf.d", qr{FreeBSD}i => 'www', default => "www-data", }; file "$nginx_dir/default", ensure => 'absent'; file "$nginx_dir/ubu-1.conf", source => 'files/ubu-1.conf', on_change => sub { service 'nginx' => 'reload'; }; # copy main.html to /root/rex/index.html #file '/root/rex', ensure => 'directory'; #file '/root/rex/index.html', source => 'files/main.html'; # copy main.html to /tmp/rex/index.html my $owner = case operating_system, { qr{Debian|Ubuntu}i => "www-data", qr{Fedora|Centos}i => "nginx", qr{FreeBSD}i => 'www', default => "www-data", }; file '/tmp/rex', ensure => 'directory', owner => $owner, group => $owner, mode => '0755'; #file '/tmp/rex/index.html', source => 'files/main.html'; my $hostname = run('hostname'); file '/tmp/rex/index.html', content => template('files/main.html', name => $hostname ); # reload nginx #service 'nginx' => 'reload'; }; # vim: syntax=perl
HTML Template
<h1>Welcome to Rex on <%= $name -%> - <%= Rex::Commands::Gather::get_operating_system %></h1>
Nginx config file
server { listen [::]:80; listen 80; server_name ubu-1; root /tmp/rex; location / { autoindex on; } }
.ssh/config file
#Host * # StrictHostKeyChecking no Host ubu1 Hostname Host ubu2 Hostname Host deb1 Hostname Host fed1 Hostname Host cent1 Hostname Host free1 Hostname
Published on 2021-03-22
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