Jenkins CLI: create node
In some situation you might need to add nodes (aka. agents) programmatically to a Jenkins setup. This is a shell script to register the new node based on the gist of Christopher Davenport.
#!/bin/bash JENKINS_URL=$1 NODE_NAME=$2 NODE_HOME='/home/build/jenkins-node' EXECUTORS=1 SSH_PORT=22 CRED_ID=$3 LABELS=build USERID=${USER} cat <<EOF | java -jar ~/bin/jenkins-cli.jar -s $1 create-node $2 <slave> <name>${NODE_NAME}</name> <description></description> <remoteFS>${NODE_HOME}</remoteFS> <numExecutors>${EXECUTORS}</numExecutors> <mode>NORMAL</mode> <retentionStrategy class="hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always"/> <launcher class="hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher" plugin="ssh-slaves@1.5"> <host>${NODE_NAME}</host> <port>${SSH_PORT}</port> <credentialsId>${CRED_ID}</credentialsId> </launcher> <label>${LABELS}</label> <nodeProperties/> <userId>${USERID}</userId> </slave> EOF
- "Agent" and "node" is often used interchangably and in the old days they were called "slaves" so you will still see that word used in some documentation and in the code.
- The origrinal name of the Jenkins project was Hudson and that too still appears in a lot of the code.
- remove the -remoting flag

Published on 2018-08-22
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