Jenkins Pipeline: Add some text to the job using manager.addShortText
This will add text to the specific job on the summary page of the classic UI. The text does not show up on the BlueOcean UI.
script { manager.addShortText("Some text") manager.addShortText("\ntext") manager.addShortText("same line", "black", "lightgreen", "0px", "white") manager.addShortText(text, foreground_color, background_color, border_width, border_color) }
For the manager object to exists we need to install the Groovy Postbuild Plugin
- pipeline {
- agent {
- label 'master'
- }
- parameters {
- string(name: 'text', defaultValue: 'Some Text', description: 'Text')
- string(name: 'foreground_color', defaultValue: 'black', description: 'Foreground')
- string(name: 'background_color', defaultValue: 'lightgreen', description: 'Background')
- string(name: 'border_size', defaultValue: '5px', description: 'Border size')
- string(name: 'border_color', defaultValue: 'yellow', description: 'Border color')
- }
- stages {
- stage('Check disk usage') {
- steps {
- script {
- manager.addShortText(
- params.text,
- params.foreground_color,
- params.background_color,
- params.border_size,
- params.border_color
- )
- currentBuild.description = "Foreground: ${foreground_color}<br>"
- currentBuild.description += "Background: ${background_color}<br>"
- currentBuild.description += "Border size: ${params.border_size}<br>"
- currentBuild.description += "Border color: ${params.border_color}"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }

Published on 2018-08-21
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