Raku Interactive Shell - values in $ variables
When learning Raku, one of the best things you can do is to experiment with the language in the interactive shell. (Also known as REPL = Read Eval Print Loop)
Once you have Rakudo installed, open a Terminal (or Command Prompt in MS Windows) and type in raku. If you are using the Docker version of Rakudo Star then run it in interactive mode as
docker run --rm -it rakudo-star
After a second or so, you will see:
To exit type 'exit' or '^D' >
The > sign is the prompt. You can now type in any Raku expression. Let's start with a few simple ones:
> say "hello world" hello world > say 42 42 > 19 + 23 42
say is the keyword to print something to the screen and add a trailing newline.
Strings are in double-quotes. Numbers don't have quotes.
We can use Raku as a calculator. In the interactive shell we don't even need to call say as it will automatically print the result of the last statement. (The P is in the name REPL for a reason.)
Most variables in Raku have one or two special characters at the beginning. The first such character is called Sigil, the second, optional character is called Twigil.
The $ sigil means the variable can contain any item. Let's try to assign a number to a variable that starts with a $:
> $x = 42 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling: Variable '$x' is not declared ------> <BOL>⏏$x = 42
Even the interactive shell requires us to declare our variables using the my keyword:
> my $x = 42 42 > $x 42 > $x - 7 35
After the declaration and the assignment, we can use the variable in arithmetic operations.
Using the ^name method we can also ask the variable what type is it. In this case it is of type Int:
> $x.^name Int
We can replace the content of the variable with a string, and then, when we ask what is the ^name of its type, we get back that it is a Str.
> $x = "abc" abc > $x.^name Str
Some people love this kind of flexibility, for others this looks crazy dangerous. Don't worry, In Raku, you can be much stricter with your variable types during declaration. If that's your thing:
> my Int $w = 42 42 > $w.^name Int > $w = "hello" Type check failed in assignment to $w; expected Int but got Str ("hello") in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1 >
In this case, we've declared the $w variable to be Int so we won't be able to assign any other type to it.
Back to our type declaration free variable, you can put all kind of other types in that variable:
> $x = 3.14 3.14 > $x.^name Rat > $x = ["foo", "bar", "qux"] [foo bar qux] > $x.^name Array > $x = ("foo", "bar", "qux") (foo bar qux) > $x.^name List > $x = {name => "Foo", answer => 42} {answer => 42, name => Foo} > $x.^name Hash > $x = planet => "Earth" platent => Earth > $x.^name Pair
We'll look at these types later on.
> $x = planet => "Earth" planet => Earth > $x.^name Pair > $x.gist planet => Earth > $x.key planet > $x.value Earth
A Hash is a key-value store. In other languages it might be called Associative Array or Dictionary.
We can create a hash using curly-braces, and assign it to a variable starting with a $:
> my $x = {home => "Earth", answer => 42}; {answer => 42, home => Earth}
It is a hash:
> $x.^name Hash
We can access the values of the individual keys both with quotes around the keys:
> $x{"home"} Earth > $x{"answer"} 42
And without any quotes:
> $x<home> Earth > $x<answer> 42
We can fetch the keys of the hash and the values separately:
> $x.keys (home answer) > $x.values (Earth 42)
What keys really returns is a Seq (Sequence) object:
> my $z = $x.keys (home answer) > $z.^name Seq
We can also iterate over the individual keys using the for loop. ($k is the loop variable that will get each key on its turn.)
> for $x.keys -> $k { say $k } home answer
Using the keys we can access the respective values:
> for $x.keys -> $k { say $k; say $x{$k} } home Earth answer 42
Alternatively we can fetch a list of pairs and on each Pair object we can call the key and the value methods:
> for $x.pairs -> $p { say $p.^name; say $p.key; say $p.value} Pair home Earth Pair answer 42
If we wrap the right-hand side in parentheses, we get a List on the left-hand side:
> $x = ("Earth", "Wind", "Fire") (Earth Wind Fire) > $x.^name List
In order to iterate over its elements, we need to call the list method on it:
> for $x.list -> $v { say $v } Earth Wind Fire
If we put square brackets around the values on the right-hand side, we get an Array
> $x = ["Earth", "Wind", "Fire"] [Earth Wind Fire] > $x.^name Array
Here too we need to call the list method in order to iterate over the elements:
> for $x.list -> $i { say $i } Earth Wind Fire
Forgetting the parentheses
If you forget the parentheses, Raku will silently forget about all the values except the first one.
> $x = "Earth", "Wind", "Fire" (Earth Wind Fire) > $x.^name Str > $x Earth
The REPL is a nice place to experiment with features, but we have to learn a lot more about Raku to make it useful for us.

Published on 2020-08-26