Exercise: sort scores
In this exercise you a file with scores. Each line has a name and a number (a score) separated by a comma.
Foo,23 Bar,70 Baz,92 Bozo,17 Gozo,52 Dardon,20 Mekodra,23
The first task is to read in the file and print out the names with their scores ordered by name givin the following result:
Bar 70 Baz 92 Bozo 17 Dardon 20 Foo 23 Gozo 52 Mekodra 23
The second task is to print them ordered by scores resulting in:
Baz 92 Bar 70 Gozo 52 Foo 23 Mekodra 23 Dardon 20 Bozo 17

Published on 2015-10-27