Exercise: Add numbers taken from a CSV file
Given a CSV file like this:
Tudor;Vidor;10;Hapci Szundi;Morgo;7;Szende Kuka;Hofeherke;100;Kiralyno Boszorkany;Herceg;9;Meselo
Write a script that will take the values of the 3rd in this Comma Separated Values file and add them together.
Can your code also handle this file?
Budapest,Bukarest,1200,km Tel Aviv,Beirut,500,km London,Dublin,300,km New York,"Moscow, East",6000,km Local,"Remote Location",10,km
Solutions in Perl 5
- Perl 5 Process CSV file
- Perl 5 Process CSV file short version
- Perl 5 One-liner sum of column in CSV
- Process CSV file using Text::CSV_XS
Solution Ruby
Solution in Groovy

Published on 2015-11-02
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