Exercise: count digits
Exercise: count digits in a file
Given a file like this, that has rows of numbers in it without anything, but a single space in between the numbers. Our task is to count how many times each digit appears.
23 34 9512341 3 34 2452345 5353 67 22 42136357013412 42 5 65 64
Our expected output looks like this:
0 1 1 5 2 9 3 11 4 9 5 8 6 4 7 2 8 0 9 1
Tools for Perl 5
- The Perl 5 tutorial in general.
- Perl 5: shift from @ARGV
- Perl 5: open a file for reading or die.
- Perl 5: Arrays
- Perl 5: chomp, remove trailing newlines.
- Perl 5: split, to cut a string into pieces.
Tools for Ruby
- Ruby: ARGV for command line parameters
- Ruby: Open file and read content
- Ruby: Arrays
- Ruby: Iterate over elements of a an array

Published on 2015-10-23