One dimensional spacefight (aka. The spaceship operator)
You are the pilot of a spaceship and your task is to fire upon and hit the enemy spaceship.
You are in one-dimensional space.
Level 0
- The computer creates a random integer number between 0-100 "the space" which is the distance of the spaceship from you
- You guess the distance by typing in a number.
- The computer write if it is a hit or not
Level 1
- The computer can tell you if your shot was too short or too long.
- The computer will allow you to shoot multiple times.
Level 2
- If the user hits x, s/he leaves the game without finishing it.
Level 3
- If the user presses 's', show the hidden value (cheat)
- If the user presses 'd' the game gets into debug mode: the system starts to show the current number to guess every time, just before asking the user for new input. Pressing 'd' again turns off debug mode. (It is a toggle.)
Level 4
- The 'm' button is another toggle. It is called 'move mode'. When it is 'on', the object move a little bit after every step (+/-2). Pressing 'm' again will turn this feature off.
Level 5
- Let the user guess several times.
- Pressing 'n' will skip this game and start a new one (generate new number to guess).
Allow the user to type n - skip this game and start a new one (generate new number to guess) s - show the hidden value (cheat) d - debug mode (It is a toggle. Pressing once the system starts to show the current number to guess every time before asking the user for new input pressing again, turns off the behavior. ) m - move mode (It is a toggle. Pressing once the object will start to move a little bit after every step. Pressing again will turn this feature off.) x - exit
- Make the size of the space configurable.
- Make sure the enemy does not wander off the training field.
- Give warning if the user shoots out of space.
- Keep track of the minimum and maximum number of hits (in a file or database).
Refactor the code to be nice small functions e.g. for
- moving of the spaceship
- checking the hit

Published on 2018-04-20
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