Micro Training Courses
Micro Training Courses are 2-4 hours long training sessions. They can be given either as presentation only or in workshop format with hands-on exercises.
They are an excellent format to introduce your employees to a topic they are not familiar with without the burden and cost of sending them to a 3-5 days long training course. They will gain the initial push and then they can either learn by themselves or go on a full-length training course if they feel the topic warrants the investment.
This is also an excellent format to keep your employees growing and ensure they see your organization as one that is ready to invest in your employees.
Topics currently available
The topics are primarily related to DevOps, test automation, and other development best practices.
- Linux as a Virtual environment - Getting started with Linux.
- Version Control with Git.
- How to contribute to an Open Source project using GitHub.
- Introduction to testing Python with PyTest.
- Web application development with Python Flask.
- Introduction to testing Perl scripts and applications.
- Setting up Continuous Integration using Travis-CI and Appveyor.
- Setting up Continuous Integration using Jenkins.
- configuration Management using Ansible.
- Setting up a Virtual Private Server in the cloud (on Digital Ocean and Linode)
If you are interested in either of these topics, please contact Gabor Szabo.

Published on 2018-02-13