Getting started with AngularJS
AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that enhances HTML.
In order to get started with AngularJS we need to have an HTML page with 3 things:
1) Loading angular.js
We need to load the angular.js file from one of the CDNs or from the local disk.
If you'd like to load it from Google CDN then put this in your HTML:
<script src=""></script>
If you'd like to use the Cloudflare CDNjs, use this entry:
<script src=""></script>
You can also download the angular.min.js file, put it on your server and serve it from there:
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
In the above examples I used version 1.4.2 of AngularJS, but by the time you read this Angular might have a newer releases in the 1.x series and you might want to use that version.
2) Add ng-app
Add ng-app to one of the HTML elements in our page. Anything within this element will be seen as part of our AngularJS code. We can add this to the html element, to the body, or even a div as it has been done in our first example.
3) Add an AngularJS expression.
AngularJS has various elements. An expression is a code snipped wrapped in {{ }}. It can contain a limited set of JavaScript expressions.
That brings us to our first example. Even before writing a Hello
Hello World with AngularJS
<script src="angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app> Hello {{ "World" }} </div>Try!
In our very first example, the expression is a hard-coded string. Nothing fancy. Even a bit insulting.
The result is Hello World.
Simple AngularJS expression
In our next example, the expression is a hard-coded computation.
<script src="angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app> Hello Angular {{ 19 + 23 }} </div>Try!
The result is Hello Angular 42.
Angular executed the expression and displayed the result.
Remember, this runs in the browser, so if you click on "view source", you'll see the code as it was in the html file.
Variables in AngularJS expressions
In the next, still very simple example, we can see that we can assign values to variables, and then we can use those variables in the expression.
Note: we don't use the var for variable assignment here because these are actually attributes on an internal object of AngularJS.
<script src="angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app> {{ x = 23; y= 19; x + y }} </div>Try!
Separate variable assignment and usage into two expressions.
We can even have the assignment in one expression and use those variables in another expression. Not only that, but the location of those expressions in the HTML file does not matter. As we can see in the following example, we can use the variables even before the assignment:
<script src="angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app> <div> Result {{ x + y }} </div> <div> Assignment: {{ x = 23; y= 19 }} </div> <div> Result {{ x + y }} </div> </div>Try!
The result will be:
Result 42 Assignment: 19 Result 42
There is a slight problem though, the last result of the expression where we had the assignment is also displayed. That's why we see the 19 on the page.
The solution is to add another statement to the assignment expression that does not return any visible value. It can be null or '' (the empty string).
<script src="angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app> <div> Result {{ x + y }} </div> <div> Assignment: {{ x = 23; y= 19; null}} </div> <div> Result {{ x + y }} </div> </div>Try!
The result will be:
Result 42 Assignment: Result 42

Published on 2015-07-20