A simple calculator in AngularJS
Not long ago I have written an example adding numbers with AngularJS, but then I found left-overs from a previous attempt to write a AngularJS examples and slides where I found this example. A simple calculator in AngularJS.
If you have followed the previous articles then you'll see in this case I've separated the HTML part and the JavaScript part.
You'll also see that the HTML part is fairly simple though it contains another new element. In this examples the declarations of ng-app and ng-controller are in the same HTML element. Why create an extra level if we can do it in a single div element?
Besides that we have 2 input boxes and a select element. Each one has its own ng-model.
The last part of the HTML is the {{ result() }} directive. I think this is also the first time we have a function call in the directive.
<script src= "angular.min.js"></script> <script src= "calculator.js"></script> <div ng-app="CalculatorApp" ng-controller="CalculatorController"> <p><input type="number" ng-model="a"></p> <p><input type="number" ng-model="b"></p> <p><select ng-model="operator"> <option>+</option> <option>*</option> <option>-</option> <option>/</option> </select></p> <p>{{ result() }}</p> </div>Try!
The JavaScript
In the JavaScript part we create the Angular module and controller and we declare the result function as an attribute of the current $scope. This is what allows us to use the function in the Angular directive inside the HTML.
The JavaScript code calculating the result of the simple math operations is straight forward albeit a bit boring.
angular.module('CalculatorApp', []) .controller('CalculatorController', function($scope) { $scope.result = function() { if ($scope.operator == '+') { return $scope.a + $scope.b; } if ($scope.operator == '-') { return $scope.a - $scope.b; } if ($scope.operator == '*') { return $scope.a * $scope.b; } if ($scope.operator == '/') { return $scope.a / $scope.b; } }; });

Published on 2015-08-07