Trailing closely the Hello world, the Echo, and the simple calculator examples, creating a TODO list is one of the rite of passage entering the world of whatever language or environment. Let's see how to implement a TODO using AngularJS.

Simple TODO list

After loading angular.min.js we create an Angular JS module called todoApp and a controller called todoController. Inside the controller we set up an empty array called tasks that will hold the todo list. We make it an attribute of the current $scope in order to make it accessible form the HTML.

We also declare a function called add (also an attribute of the $scope) that takes the value of title (we'll later see this is the name of the input box), and appends it to the list of tasks using push. That's all the JavaScript code we need for a simple TODO list.

In the HTML part we have a div element that defined the area of the AngularJS Application ng-app and the Angular JS controller ng-controller.

Inside the controller in the HTML we have two parts. The first part is an input element connected to the $scope.title attribute using ng-model and a button that uses ng-click to launch the $scope.add method when the button is clicked.

The second part uses the ng-repeat directive to iterate over the elements of the $scope.tasks array and display them one-by-one as list items.


<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
angular.module('todoApp', [])
    .controller('todoController', function($scope){
        $scope.tasks = [];
        $scope.add = function() {
<div ng-app="todoApp" ng-controller="todoController">
    <input ng-model="title"><button ng-click="add()">Add</button>
        <li ng-repeat="t in tasks">{{ t }}</li>

Submit input box on pressing ENTER

It is a bit cumbersome that for every additional item we need to click on the button. It would be much better if we could just press ENTER. In order to do that we had to wrap the input element in a form and in the form add an ng-submit directive calling the $scope.add function. At the same time, in order to eliminate duplicate calling of the $scope.add function.

  <form ng-submit="add()">
  <input ng-model="title"><button>Add</button>

Duplicate values in ng-repeat

If yo have tried the above example, you might have noticed that adding the same element twice will crash the application. The reason is that by default the ng-repeat directive assumes unique values in an array. I am not sure if having the same value in a TODO list is actually desirable, but for now I'd like to be able to allow the user to enter the same value twice. To do so we can tell ng-repeat to use the $index of the array for tracking values like this:

<li ng-repeat="t in tasks track by $index">{{ t }}</li>

Deleting an element from the TODO list

While for most of us the reality is that we have an ever growing TODO list, but sometime we get lucky and manage to finish an item. (Or maybe it just gets cancelled.) We would like to have a way to remove an element. For that we are going to add a button next to each item, and clicking on that button will remove the specific element from the array of tasks.

Adding the button is simple:

<button ng-click="delete()">x</button>

The appropriate delete function made me scratch my head a bit, but finally I got it:

$scope.delete = function() {
    $scope.tasks.splice(this.$index, 1);

When running the delete function this contains an attribute called $index that seems to indicated the index in the current list. We can use that to locate the element in the tasks array. Using the plain JavaScript splice function we remove one element from the array that immediately updates the list displayed on the HTML page.


<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
angular.module('todoApp', [])
    .controller('todoController', function($scope) {
        $scope.tasks = [];
        $scope.add = function() {
        $scope.delete = function() {
            $scope.tasks.splice(this.$index, 1);
<div ng-app="todoApp" ng-controller="todoController">
    <form ng-submit="add()">
    <input ng-model="title"><button>Add</button>
        <li ng-repeat="t in tasks track by $index">{{ t }} <button ng-click="delete()">x</button></li>