Handlebars with dynamically loaded and cached template
In the earlier examples in the Handlebars tutorial we always had the templates, which are themselves small HTML snippets, embedded in the HTML file as a script tag. That makes it hard to edit them and get confusing. It might be better to load the templates dynamically as they are needed.
Then of course if the same template is needed more than once, it would save time if we could cache the already compiled template.
The HTML file
The HTML file for this example is fairly simple. We load handlebars.min.js from the CDN. We also load jQuery from its CDN. Instead of the plain JavaScript Ajax call we used earlier, we are going to use the Ajax functionality of jQuery.
Finally we load handlebars_dynamic_loader.js that holds our JavaScript code.
The body of the HTML page contains a button and an empty div, waiting for us to fill.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Handlebars load template</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/handlebars.js/3.0.3/handlebars.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script src="handlebars_dynamic_loader.js"></script> </head> <body> <button id="show">Show</button> <div id="msg"></div> </body> </html>Try!
The Template
The template we use in this examples is the most simple template there can be. In this article we are only interested how we can dynamically load the templates from the server.
Handlebars template loaded at {{time}}.
The JavaScript code gluing it all together
This is the main part of the example.
var templates = {}; function display_template(tmpl, data) { console.log('display'); if (templates[tmpl] === undefined) { return; } var template = templates[tmpl]; var html = template(data); $("#msg").html(html); } $(document).ready(function() { $("#show").click(function () { console.log('click'); var name = 'show'; var data = { time: new Date }; if (templates[name] === undefined) { console.log("need"); jQuery.get("/try/examples/js/handlebars_template_" + name + ".htm", function(resp) { console.log(resp); templates[name] = Handlebars.compile(resp); display_template(name, data); }); } else { display_template(name, data); } }); });
We have a global object called templates that will hold the compiled templates. Each template has a name. The name will be the key in the object, and the value will be the content of the template.
The display_template function expects the name of a template, and the data that needs to be sent to the template. After making sure, the template actually exists, it will copy the template to the variable also called template
var template = templates[tmpl];
Then it will run this template filling it with the data it received:
Remember, we are planning to store the already compiled version of the template that is actually a JavaSCript function object.
The final step of the display_template function is injecting the generated HTML in the DOM.
The click event handler
In the callback of the jQuery document ready we attach an event handler to the button we have on the page. In order to make the code more generic, I put the name of the template in the name variable, and the data I'd like to show in the data object.
Then if the templates[name] is empty, that is, if this is the first time we would like to use the given template, we need to fetch it from the server with an Ajax request. When the response arrives, we can compile it using
and assign that value to the templates[name] for later reuse.
Then we can call the display_template function.
In case we already had the template in the memory, we can directly call the display_template function.
Improved JavaScript code
After writing all that down I had an idea for improvement. After all, in a real application I'll have several jQuery callbacks that will trigger the use of templates. Each one of them will need to load the template from server. So better hide all that in a single function, the display_template function:
var templates = {}; function display_template(tmpl, data) { console.log('display'); if (templates[tmpl] === undefined) { console.log("need"); jQuery.get("/try/examples/js/handlebars_template_" + tmpl + ".htm", function(resp) { console.log(resp); templates[tmpl] = Handlebars.compile(resp); display_template(tmpl, data); }); return; } var template = templates[tmpl]; var html = template(data); $("#msg").html(html); } $(document).ready(function() { $("#show").click(function () { console.log('click'); var name = 'show'; var data = { time: new Date }; display_template(name, data); }); });
In this solution, the code fetching the raw template from the server was moved inside the display_template function. It is called if the template is not in the templates object.
Do you think its beneficial to rend a new file with a 2/3 same partials and the middle partial missing or doing what you do here?

Published on 2015-06-03