Groovy - Regular Expressions - regexes
text = 'Some 42 number #12 more' def ma = (text =~ /\d+/) println ma // java.util.regex.Matcher[pattern=\d+ region=0,23 lastmatch=] println ma[0] // 42 def mb = (text =~ /#\d+/) println mb // java.util.regex.Matcher[pattern=#\d+ region=0,23 lastmatch=] println mb[0] // #12 def mc = (text =~ /#(\d+)/) println mc[0] // [#12, 12] println mc[0][0] // #12 println mc[0][1] // 12
text = '/abc/def/da/de/abc_def_ge.txt' def m = (text =~ /[^\/]*$/) println m[0] // abc_def_ge.txt
url = '' def match = url =~ '^https?://([^/]*)/([^/]*)$' println match println match[0] println match[0][1] println match[0][2]

Published on 2018-07-31
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