Flask counter with SQLite, SQLAlchemy, pytest - database migration with yoyo
This is another counter example using Flask, SQLite, SQLAlchemy, pytest, but this time we are also usiong youo migration to maintain the database. An earlier version of this example did not use Yoyo and there we created the schema using SQLAlhemy.
Directory layout
. ├── app.py ├── migrations │ ├── 001.rollback.sql │ └── 001.sql ├── model.py ├── templates │ └── counter.html └── test_app.py
The application code
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, abort import logging import os from model import apply_db_migrations, setup_db, create_classes def create_app(): app = Flask(__name__) app.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) with app.app_context(): db_file = os.environ.get('COUNT_DB') or 'counter.db' db_uri = 'sqlite:///' + db_file app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = db_uri app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS'] = False apply_db_migrations(db_uri) db = setup_db(app) Counter = create_classes(db) @app.route('/') @app.route('/<name>') def counter(name = None): if name: if name == 'favicon.ico': return abort(404) app.logger.info("name %s", name) cntr = db.session.query(Counter).filter_by(name=name).first() app.logger.info(cntr) if not cntr: cntr = Counter(name=name, count=1) db.session.add(cntr) else: cntr.count += 1 db.session.commit() app.logger.info(cntr) return render_template('counter.html', name = name, counter = cntr.count) else: counters = [ {"name": counter.name, "count" : counter.count} for counter in db.session.query(Counter).all()] app.logger.info(counters) return render_template('counter.html', counters = counters) return app
The way we run queries changed. We now need to call db.session.query and pass it the class representing the table.
The SQL migration scripts
CREATE TABLE counter ( name VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL, count INTEGER NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name), UNIQUE (name) );examples/flask/sqlite-counter-yoyo/migrations/001.rollback.sql
DROP TABLE counter;
The SQLAlchemy code
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from yoyo import read_migrations from yoyo import get_backend from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base def apply_db_migrations(db_uri): backend = get_backend(db_uri) migrations = read_migrations('./migrations') with backend.lock(): backend.apply_migrations(backend.to_apply(migrations)) def setup_db(app): db = SQLAlchemy() db.init_app(app) return db def create_classes(db): Base = automap_base() Base.prepare(db.engine, reflect=True) Counter = Base.classes.counter return Counter
There are two ways to use SQLAlchemy. Either we declare the details of the schema in Python statements as we did in the other version or we use the automap feature of SQLAlchemy.
As we already have our SQL declarations in the migration files I thought it would be better to try to use the automap_base.
The Jinja template
<h1>Counter</h1> {% if name %} {{ name }} : {{ counter}} {% else %} {% if counters %} <ul> {% for counter in counters %} <li><a href="/{{counter.name}}">{{counter.name}} {{counter.count}}</a></li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% else %} Try <a href="/something">something</a> {% endif %} {% endif %}
The tests
from app import create_app import os def test_app(tmpdir): os.environ['COUNT_DB'] = str(os.path.join(tmpdir, "test.db")) print(os.environ['COUNT_DB']) web = create_app().test_client() rv = web.get('/') assert rv.status == '200 OK' assert '<h1>Counter</h1>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert '<a href="/something">something</a>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') rv = web.get('/blue') assert rv.status == '200 OK' #print(rv.data) assert '<h1>Counter</h1>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert 'blue : 1' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') rv = web.get('/') assert rv.status == '200 OK' assert '<h1>Counter</h1>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert '<a href="/blue">blue 1</a>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert 'something' not in rv.data.decode('utf-8') rv = web.get('/blue') assert rv.status == '200 OK' #print(rv.data) assert '<h1>Counter</h1>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert 'blue : 2' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert 'red' not in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert 'something' not in rv.data.decode('utf-8') rv = web.get('/red') assert rv.status == '200 OK' #print(rv.data) assert '<h1>Counter</h1>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') #assert 'blue : 2' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert 'red : 1' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') rv = web.get('/') assert rv.status == '200 OK' assert '<h1>Counter</h1>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert '<a href="/blue">blue 2</a>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert '<a href="/red">red 1</a>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert 'something' not in rv.data.decode('utf-8') # Verify that the two test-cases indeed use different databases def test_app_clean_db(tmpdir): os.environ['COUNT_DB'] = str(os.path.join(tmpdir, "test.db")) print(os.environ['COUNT_DB']) web = create_app().test_client() rv = web.get('/') assert rv.status == '200 OK' assert '<h1>Counter</h1>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert '<a href="/something">something</a>' in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert 'blue' not in rv.data.decode('utf-8') assert 'red' not in rv.data.decode('utf-8')
Published on 2021-05-13