Registry of 3rd party libraries / packages / modules
Most of the major programming languages have lots of open source extensions. Many of the development frameworks also have packages. Even some of the editors and IDEs have such extensions.
These extensions are sometimes referred to as modules or libraries or packages.
Sometime they get a different name.
Module counts show the list of all the module/package/library systems and the number of items in them.
Here I tried to replicate and extend that list.
Programming Languages
- Clojure Clojars
- Crystal CrystalShards and Shardbox
- C# .NET NuGet the package manager for .NET.
- D lang DUB the D package registry
- Erlang / The package manager for the Erlang ecosystem
- Go Go Packages
- Haskell - Cabal - Common Architecture for Building Applications and Libraries and Hackage The Haskell Package Repository
- Java Maven Central
- JavaScript (NodeJS) - npm - Node Package Manager
- Julia Julia packages
- Lua Lua Rocks
- Nim Nimble
- Objective-C - CocoaPods a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects.
- Perl CPAN - Comprehensive Perl Archive Network and the real UI: MetaCPAN
- PHP PEAR PHP Extension and Application Repository and Packagist The PHP Package Repository
- Python PyPI Python Package Index
- R CRAN The Comprehensive R Archive Network
- Raku Raku Modules
- Ruby RubyGems
- Rust Crates The Rust community's crate registry
- Scala The Scala Library Index
- Swift Swift Package Registry
- TypeScript - See JavaScript
C++ seems to be a category of itself
Jakub Narębski wrote me:
The C++ language does not come with an integrated package manager to deal with external dependencies of a project. However, there exists various third party package managers for C++ with their package repositories:
- Conan with ConanCenter with 867 packages
- build2 with cppget with 83 packages
- Meson with Wrap DB with 163 packages (recipes)
- vcpkg from Microsoft with vcpkg with 1656 packages
- Emacs MELPA Milkypostman's Emacs Lisp Package Archive
- Vim Vim Scripts
- VS CodeVS Marketplace Extensions for the Visual Studio family of products
- Sublime Text 3Sublime Text has Packages
- Docker Docker HUB

Published on 2021-05-15