Local development environment for the data.table R project
After the partial success with the development environment for R-yaml we tried another R package called data.table. Eventually we managed to run the tests of this too.
This one actually had a lot of details in the README, but some parts were still missing, or at least were assumed to be obvious, which was not the case for us.
Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:Rdatatable/data.table.git cd data.table
Start Docker container
docker run -it --name data-table --workdir /opt -v$(pwd):/opt r-base:4.2.3 bash
Install external dependencies we'll need
apt-get update apt-get install -y pandoc curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev texlive-latex-base texlive-fonts-extra texlive-latex-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended
Install R packages
Rscript -e 'install.packages(c("knitr", "rmarkdown", "pandoc", "curl", "bit64", "bit", "xts", "nanotime", "zoo", "R.utils", "markdown"))'
Run the build
R CMD build .
Run check on the generated file
In the README they mention data.table_1.11.5.tar.gz, but probably due to a change in the version number, now we have data.table_1.14.9.tar.gz
We can run this
R CMD check data.table_1.14.9.tar.gz
But if the README is updated with this then it will be out of date soon. Instead there could be an explanation that one needs to look at the generated file. Alternatively this command would pick up the current file, assuming there is only one of them.
R CMD check $(ls -1 data.table_*)
Exit the Docker container
Restart the Docker container
docker container start -i data-table
Remove Docker container
docker rm data-table

Published on 2023-03-20