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Local development environment for the data.table R project
Setup local development environment for R-yaml
Simple command-line counter with file storage in R
Bash set -x to print statements as they are executed
A simple calculator in AngularJS
Getting started with AngularJS
Hello World with AngularJS module and controller
Simple in-memory counter with AngularJS
Add GitHub Action CI to the Net-Async-Redis-XS Perl module
Add GitHub Actions to the scale_rb Ruby project
Adding first file to your git repository
Automated tests for sssimp, a simple static site generator in Python
Automation with Rex - part 3 - Rexify
Basic modification of Biological data frames using Pandas by Shelley Klompus
COVID 19 charts by DungeonTiger
Contributing to Open Source Software: VS Code (Visual Studio Code)
Creating a local git repository
Crystal part 1 - installation
Crystal part 2 - puts, print, p!
Debug and Explore Python with PT Python