CMOS #16: Jan Henning Thorsen and Marcus Ramberg about Convos, the web-based IRC client

Interview with Jan Henning Thorsen and Marcus Ramberg about Convos, their open source messaging and chatroom app, with many features. It's written in Perl and uses Mojolicious!
Jan Henning Thorsen and Marcus Ramberg
- Convos
- Convos on GitHub
- Reisegiganten where they both work now
- Telenor where Jan used to work
- UIO (University of Oslo) where Marcus used to work
Anyways, I've been doing Perl and some C stuff for quite a long time. I used to do the development using Mason, back in the early 2000s and I really disliked how disorganized it was, so when Simon Cozens came up with the Maypole project, I got involved in that and I eventually moved on to become part of the Catalyst team. I was release manager for Catalyst for a few years. And more recently, I've been contributing to the Mojolicious project as part of the core.
Oh how do I install this?And I'm just pointing them to the installation guide and then they're
Oh man, I just installed it and it was so simple!So you don't need any knowledge of the Perl Toolchain yourself, so you don't need to know how to use CPAN or cpanminus or any of that, you can just download Convos and then it will bootstrap itself.
Yeah, we're using it,then it would be really cool even though if it's just one person somewhere or if it's a big company.

Published on 2016-10-14