R&D at Cellex Networks
What kind products / services does your company develop / maintain? (web based, on-site appliance, hardware, etc.)
Software/Hardware appliance.
Number of engineers:
10 engineers, out of which 2 are in India.
What are the most common tools that engineers use?
- Visual Studio development environment
- Visual Code
Which languages do engineers code in?
- C++
- Angular/Java Script
Which operating systems do you use?
Which databases do you use?
What are the development environments? (OS, editor, Vagrant? Docker?)
Windows, Visual Studio, .net
What is the system architecture? (Monolith, Microservices, Mix, etc...?)
Distributed architecture, remote units connects with the centralized server. In the centralized server there are numerous micro services.
What kind of cloud infrastructure do you use?
What Agile practices do you employ? (Daily stand-up, Sprints, Retrospectives, ...)
Working in Sprints, Daly stand-up. soft version of SCRUM.
What does DevOps mean in your company? (Do you have a dedicated developer experience/developer tools team?)
No dedicated DevOps team. No real DevOps.
Is anyone on-call? Who? (Developers, DevOps people, ...?)
Service team is on call, developers usually are not.
What is the development process like? (The lifecycle of a piece of committed code, branching strategy)
Features are listed in backlog, a more detailed design is performed for high-priority features, work-items are being added to Sprints. A detailed design is done as part of the sprint, tests are done at the end.
Do you do code reviews? How often? What is code review like?
Yes, Team leaders review the code before commit (Pull request).
How is testing done? (Manual QA? What kind of tests are run? How long does a test cycle run?)
New features are being tested manually, automated tests for regression.
How is code released / deployed? (How often? Who can do it? Do you have staging environment? Deployment circles?)
We have releases every 3 months and hot-fixes per need (1-2 a month).
What is an average day-in-the-life of someone on one of the engineering teams?
- 60% development of new features.
- 30% bug fixes
- 10% analysis of field issues.
What makes your company a special place to be an engineer?
A lot of autonomy, development in many different development environment (Android, C++, Embedded, .net, etc.)

Published on 2018-08-04
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