You might have seen the following code snippet in many Python files and wondered what does that do and why would you need it?


if __name__ == '__main__':

In a nutshell it allows a file to be used both as a stand-alone program (script) and as a module imported by some other stand-alone program.

Let's see the explanation.

Loading a file as a module

A little background:

Let's say we have the following two files:


print("In mylib")


import mylib

print("In myscript")

If we run


it will print

In mylib

This is not surprising we told it to do just that.

If we run


it will print

In mylib
In myscript

This is probably not what we wanted. The print of the imported module was executed and it was executed before the print of our script. Usually we don't expect anything to happen while we import modules. Definitely nothing to be printed to the screen.

It happened, because when Python imports a file (a module) it executes it at the time of import which means any code outside of functions will be executed.

It is very rare that in module that we import there is any code outside of functions. So the better approach to write a module would be this:

Having only functions in modules


def display():
    print("In mylib")

def destroy_harddisk():


import mylib

print("In myscript")


import mylib

print("In myscript")


Now we have two functions in our file. One of them is the display function we would like to use and the the other is the destroy_harddisk that you would probably not want to execute. I have not even implemented it to make sure no one will run it and then come complaining.

If we run the first script


we only see

In myscript

This is not surprising as now, even though we imported the mylib module, we did not call any of its functions.

n order to see the text from the display function we need to call it:

If we run the second script


we see

In myscript
In mylib

This time the content of display function is printed at the time when it is called.

However if we now run


There is no out. So in order to facilitate the needs of the scripts that import the we changed the behavior of the and "ruined" it.

What we would really like is to see the output of the display function when execute python

Make both cases work

This is where the expression comes in handy.


def display():
    print("In mylib")

def destroy_harddisk():

if __name__ == '__main__':


import mylib

print("In myscript")


import mylib

print("In myscript")


Now if we run

$ python

We get

In mylib

just as we got in the first case, and if we run python or python that will act as that did in the second case.

So now we have a file ( that can be used both as a module and as a stand-alone program (script).

How does __name__ == "__main__" work?

Let's take the first example and make it print the content of the variable __name__.


print(f"In mylib __name__='{__name__}'")


import mylib

print(f"In myscript __name__='{__name__}'")

Running mylib:


We get:

In mylib __name__='__main__'

So when you run the file as a stand-alone program the variable __name__ contains the strange string __main__.

What if we run the program / script?


We get the following:

In mylib __name__='mylib'
In myscript __name__='__main__'

Now we have two different variables called __name__. One of them in the file There it contains mylib and one in that contains __main.

Our focus should be the fact that the content of the variable in depends on how it was used. When we used it as a stand-alone script it had __main__ in it and when we imported it as a module then it had mylib (the name of the file without the extension) in it.

Now if you go back to the 3rd example to the code we are trying to understand that you can also see here:


if __name__ == '__main__':

The condition checks the content of the __name__ variable and calls the display() function only if it contain __main__ meaning that the file was used as a stand-alone program.

When to use it?

Now that we know what does it do and how does it work, let's ask the question when to use it?

The answer is that it is actually rarely needed.

It can be used to allow a module to be self-testing so we would run the tests of the file when it is executed as a stand-alone program. However these days it is much more common to put our tests in separate files and even if we include documents that need to be verified using doctest, pytest can execute those without this construct.

It can be used to make a module also a stand-alone script, but it seems like a bad engineering practice that will backfire.

However it must be used when you use multiprocessing on Windows because that module works by loading your main script as a module.

There might be some other cases as well when it is useful or even required, but I think in general it is needed a lot less than it is actually used.